Often we need to have different parts of a website talk to each other. This can get tricky when we are using multiple technologies and need the communication in real-time. Going from flash to html is done through javascript on the browser side and in actionscript we use something called ExternalInterface. The ExternalInterface class is an application programming interface that enables straightforward communication between ActionScript and the SWF container– for example, an HTML page with JavaScript or a desktop application that uses Flash Player to display a SWF file. We can send things form actionscript to javascript as well as from the html and javascript into flash and actionscript.
I’ve written about this before. It got old though and I had reports that it was having issues in certain browsers, so I had a minute to look at it and decided it needed a rebuild. This version uses as3 and swfobject. I was tempted to throw jQuery in there as well, but didn’t want to confuse anyone. This is simple javascript. I did have to throw some css3 on it for style though. I did use swfobject because it makes life easier, but it’s not required.
So, just like in as2, communication between actionscript and javascript still requires our friend ExternalInterface to link them but the setup/syntax changed a bit with as3. From the docs here are a few pointers of what we can accomplish with External Interface:
From ActionScript, you can do the following on the HTML page:
- Call any JavaScript function.
- Pass any number of arguments, with any names.
- Pass various data types (Boolean, Number, String, and so on).
- Receive a return value from the JavaScript function.
From JavaScript on the HTML page, you can:
- Call an ActionScript function.
- Pass arguments using standard function call notation.
- Return a value to the JavaScript function.
It’s really cool that we can pass various data types. Here I’ve got an example that simply sends a string back and forth. We have the actionscript to javascript lane as well as the javascript to actionscript lane. So to set it up we need to know the names of our functions. Here I’ve tried to name them exactly what they are. There is a function in my javascript to both send and receive text to actionscript. Also, there are corresponding functions in my actionscript code: one to send and one to receive. These functions pass the data back and forth.
The magic is set up with the call and addCallback methods of ExternalInterface.
To call a javascript function from actionscript we use the call method. The first argument is the name of the javascript function as a String and any following (optional) arguments are the parameters that are passed to said function. So we need a function in the javascript on that page which is set up to accept some data or at least set up to do something (we don’t actually have to pass data, it could be just a trigger for something on the page). Then in our actionscript we call:
ExternalInterface.call("name_of_js_function", "data passed to js");
Then to go back from javascript to actionscript there is a little bit more set-up involved. We will use the addCallback method here and this sets the actionscript function to be able to accept a call from javascript. The first argument is the function name in javascript (again as a String), and the second argument is the function name in actionscript that you want to be called:
ExternalInterface.addCallback("name_of_js_function", name_of_as3_function);
Then you write your actionscript function to do what you want:
function name_of_as3_function():String {
//do something
return something;
If that doesn’t make sense try the demo to see it in action. I’ve got the source code listed on the demo page as well as the working example.
Source Code
[cc lang=”javascript”]
function receiveTextFromAS3(Txt) {
document.getElementById(‘htmlText’).value = Txt;
function sendTextToAS3(){
var Txt = document.getElementById(‘htmlText’).value;
var flash = document.getElementById(“as3_js”);
document.getElementById(‘htmlText’).value = “”;
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
var attributes = {};
attributes.id = “as3_js”;
//attributes.name = “as3_js”;
swfobject.embedSWF(“AS3_Javascript.swf”, “alt”, “450”, “450”, “9.0.0”, false, flashvars, params, attributes);
[cc lang=”html”]
Actionscript – AS3
[cc lang=”actionscript”]
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
//Set up Javascript to Actioscript
ExternalInterface.addCallback(“sendTextFromJS”, receiveTextFromJS);
function receiveTextFromJS(t:String):void {
theText.text = t;
//Actionscript to Javascript
function sendTextFromAS3(e:MouseEvent):void {
ExternalInterface.call(“receiveTextFromAS3”, theText.text);
theText.text = “”;
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendTextFromAS3);
button.buttonMode = true;