An Event Apart Notes: Ethan Marcotte, Responsive Web Design

Ethan MarcotteEthan Marcotte has become the father of Responsive Web Design and spent this whole day focused on principles, techniques, gotchas, examples, … all about building and how to build responsive sites. With a sprinkle of mobile first.

For Ethan, it all started with this article:

Think of architecture, the whole design phase is established on constraints.

A truly interactive system is a multiple-loop in which one enters into a conversation; a continual and constructive information exchange.

Examples of responsive design:
crush and lovely – very big and touch friendly navigation – notre dame
university of tennessee
the boston globe

Why go responsive?
“offer high quality with lower maintenance” – don’t

Compare process to print with a press – linear process has been co-opted for the web
discover, design, develop, deliver
Break down the one way process from design to develop. The workflow should cycle between design and develop.
How well does the layout adapt?
Do individual modules still feel usable?

Think Disposably

Natalie Down video on Vimeo

Device Access: Working with devices is part of our design process

Our content. Wherever you are. Universal Access

Mobile First! – Luke Wroblewski
The argument: Mobile traffic has explided, new capabilities (touch, geo, voice, ubiquity), narrower screens force us to focus.
Think about these things earlier in the process gives a better end product
What value does each content have for our mobile users?

Mobile First and Design for Content First (really Content always)

Flexible Grids – responsive sites have a flexible foundation

500 Android – snapshot from google analytics:
Will screen resolutions standardize over time? Who knows, we need to be thinking flexible, it is even the more future proof solution.

The History of Grids – Every movement in art can be seen as a response to another
Start design with a network of modules
…methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve have been developed for centuries… -Jan Tschichold
Mark Boulton introduces “The New Canon” for web design
-Content out, not canvas in.
-Create connectedness
-Bind the content to the device – change – Mandy Brown “rich designs can emerge from flexible roots… the web is not print…

Formula: target / context = result

Elliot Jay Stocks suggests using a 1000px width page for easier calculations:

TextMate has intrenal tools for doing calculations. Let the software calculate the formula, then put the the reference numbers in a comment.

SASS – Getting started with SASS –

Use the formula for margins and padding as well. We get proportional results! Using fixed values would be unproportional.

Learning to love (survive) rounding
.last-child { display:table-cell }

Golden Grid
know limitations of a framework

it’s all about balancing the ease of dev vs ease of maintenance

Frameworks are very valuable for prototyping

Design your source code order. think about linear and layout at the same time.

no correlation between screensize and connection speed (or price even)
a matter of serving appropriate images
a hack really: preloaders, cookies and race conditions (
Each browser does this differently though and it’s not standardized.

Other options for responsive images – route your images through this url to get appropriately sized images. still uses browser detection to determine size, pus it’s 3rd party
categorizr – a modern device detection script –

Can we solve this with new markup? A new html element? Like th evideo or audio elements?
Video element can have media query attached and multiple source files referenced.

background-position: 0 0; – x y; left top; 50px 0; 0 50px;
it’s a bit different for percentages: 50% 50% (centered). percentage for packground position is proportional to the image itself and the container. t places that point in the background image in that position in the container.
Resizing background images: background-size css property. Set in pixel based terms or in proportions/percentages. (not 100% supported, but can be used as progressive enhancement).

Create an aspect-ratio aware box (container): height / width = aspect ratio
set the video width and height to 100% and give the container a padding-top of the aspect ration value (in percentage)

Is the answer to the images/bandwidth question more code?
Let the user opt-in to the content that they are most interested in to construct the page.
User selected video settings in youtube, for example.

Media Queries
Descendant from media type style sheets: scree, print, handheld, projector…
display area and rendering surface
Think of the browser’s viewport as the display area and the display as the rendering surface.
Specify ranges with min- and max- prefixes for browsers above or below a certain threshold or breakpoint.
Long list of media query features: width, height, device-width, device-height, orientation, aspect-ratio, device-aspect-ratio, color, color-index, monochrome, resolution, scan, grid. These can be combined in statements.
Can combine media types as well.
Also keywords for mixing the statements: only, not, and

There is a difference between “device pixels” and “css pixels”
ios bug for orientation:
module in css iin progress.

Put it into practice:
Looking at the weather module on the boston globe as an example.
Don’t suppress things before discussing simplifying it.

How do you choose breakpoints?
(The only way I’ve ever learned anything, is by doing it wrong first)
Initial breakpoints: 320, 480, 768, 1024, 1200px
Set up the queries to support Mobile First
Mobile first workflow overview, start with one layout and additively add more.

css3-mediaqueries-js: slower, first on the scene.
respond.js: very fast, only tests for min-width and max-width, only ~3kb

There’s no real set of IDEAL breakpoints
We’ve been very focused on columns, let’s refocus on content!
Set major increments and have the smallest breakpoint totally fluid and then find breakpoints dependent on the design (content and typography) rather than devices. Let’s not choose our breakpoints based on devices, but let our designs dictate what looks best.

Start with the smallest part

Advanced Layouts
Negative margins to break out of the grid


CSS3 – the waiting game
Multiple background images

display: -webkit-flexbox or -webkit-inline-flexbox
flex-flow: row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse;
flex-order: 1;

flex-order places flexbox items into ordered groups
By default, elements have a flex-order of 0, and remain in the same order they are in the source.

Could be used for template layouts with a layout policy!

! (oh the waiting game, it would be awesome to be able to use this now)
Bagcheck app, links to footer navigation in the header.
Content before navigation for mobile. Setting the top margin and absolute position to 5em/-5em, and the navigation is part of the main content. Smaller sizes the navigation is at the bottom and larger it is set to position absolute and fits inside the margin.

Responsive Enhancements
fittext.js – “Some people’s brains I wish I had” – Ethan talking about Trent Walton

Progressive Enhancements are backwards thinking to graceful degradation, start simple and build up with enhancements.

Use IE conditionals to load specific stylesheets for them. And use media=”only all” for the enhanced styles

Minify and combine/concatenate javascript files

Conditionally load assets (progressive enhancement – if a browser can’t be enhanced, let’s not load the files that would enhance it). Test for capabilities of device and not test for the device itself

Constantly ask yourself: is this element content or an enhancement.
Fonts: (fonts for web are usually pretty heavy)

Thinking about process and patterns
1. Width
2. Hierarchy
3. Density
4. Interaction

More Examples:

WOW, what a day! On to implementation…

WordCamp Presentation Slides: From Photoshop PSD to WordPress Theme

from photoshop to wordpress theme presentation

Here are my slides for my WordCamp Atlanta presentation, From PSD to WordPress Theme: Under the skin:

This presentation covers how to get from a photoshop design to a theme in WordPress. The sample theme I use in the presentation is actually live at I’m not trying to teach css or html here. I more wanted to focus on the process I usually go through in creating a site or theme. Let’s work on this PDS template design called Corporate Clean, which was designed and published by Zsolt Kacso. I saw this done by a drupal theme shop and figured the wordpress world could use the same. (Also check out Corporate Clean for Drupal and download the design they link to on that page:
corporate clean wordpress theme from photoshop

First, What is a Theme?

It is all the files that control the front-end and visual side of a site. It is all the files that control the front-end and visual side of a site. Major benefit to a theme (or a CMS overall) is separating design and content, which is the goal of standards based web design. Themes are made up of a combination of files: css, html, php, javascript, images…

The basic structure of a theme is usually something like: Header, Content, Aside(s) and Footer.
We know what types of files or templates we need to include in our theme by using the Template Hierarchy is how WordPress determines which template to use on each page. It looks for template files with specific names in the current Theme’s directory and uses the first matching template file listed under the appropriate query section below. (See Joost De Valk’s Anatomy of a WordPress Theme Infographic).

A wordpress specific term that took me a while to get used to was “the loop”

There are many different roads to a WordPress theme.

All themes are not created equal. There are different type and diffrerent qualitiy levels of themes. We can group them into these main areas though (some of which overlap):

  • Free – benefit, it’s FREE. Only problem is there’s not a great vetting process and a lot of themes out there aren’t good quality themes you’d want on your site (even if they look nice from the front).
  • Premium – although WP is open source software as in free, not all themes are free, some will cost you.
  • From Scratch – It is possible to make a theme from the bottom. This could be beneficial if you have something specific you’re not likely to find out there already.
  • Customized – A direction many take is acquiring a theme (be it free or not) and them customizing it to make it suit them. Not a bad if you’re starting from something that is nicely done, and you know how to get from a to b.
  • Standalone – Traditionally all themes were standalone packages, and the theme folder will contain all associated files.
  • Parent-Child – Since WP 2.7 we’ve had the ability to have parent-child relationships in theming! This means that you can have a theme you want to base yours on and separate any modifications you make to it into a “child” theme that will inherit everything else from it’s “parent”.
  • Frameworks – Frameworks are themes that have been designed to be used as a starting point or a parent theme. Some have feature rich options pages that allow you to build a theme or site from within the WordPress admin. These really help theme developers to avoid repeating the same code in every theme they make. One caveat to this is that if you’re new to WP, you need to learn all the wordpress specific code as well as any additional code for the theme framework . It complicates the learning curve a bit, but it has long term benefits of speed and ease.

My preferred theme route is using a theme framework. My preferred framework is thematic. Thematic is the ultimate in SEO-ready themes, it is a highly extensible framework which features 13 widget-ready areas, drop-down menus, grid-based layout samples, plugin integration, shortcodes for your footer, and a whole lot more. Thematic as of now is about to get a significant update as well. Resources for thematic include forums, guides, diagrams, tutorials, thematic4you …

Before getting into the design, let’s talk one more fundamental wordpress term: hooks

Hooks are spots in the code that are flagged for us to easily customize how our site or theme functions. To visualize, think about all the thousands of lines of code that gets executed to load a page on a site (yes, there are thousands), and think of it like each line of code is like someone in line at the gracery store checkout . They’d be lined up in order of execution. Hooks are like people in the line that are holding a sign allowing you to cut in line at that precise position to run your own code. There are action hooks and filter hooks in wordpress. Action hooks are for executing your own action at that spot in line, and a filter is about changing something in the line right there. Like if you wanted to insert some ad at the end of every post. You could either add an action that would place it there, filter the post content and add it to the content itself (and you could even filter the content before it goes to the database, or before it’s rendered onto the page). More on action and filter hooks here.

Returning to that added complexity of using a framework, many frameworks will add their own hooks on top of the wordpress hooks. So on top of learning any wordpress hooks you also need to learn the ones specific to your chosen framework where you need to access them. So once you get used to using one framework it may be painful to leave and loose and invested learning in that one. Check these diagrams of thematic structure (blue and including hooks for an visual representation. And the thematic guide to filters and hooks.

Getting from a design in photoshop to an actual WordPress (thematic) child theme while trying not to reinvent the wheel.

The Technical – Actually making the theme

Once you install thematic in your wordpress site, look at the theme directory (/wp-content/themes/thematic/) and you’ll see that thematic comes with a ‘thematicsamplechildtheme’. It’s nice that they thought of this, it gives us a great starting place! We copy that folder, rename it to whatever we want, and place it in the theme directory (sibling to thematic itself). Like so:

thematic child theme directory

The thematicsamplechildtheme has 3 files in it: the style.css, functions.php, readme.txt. I added the screenshot.png file (it will automatically get pulled into the backend as the image of the theme) and made some edits to the stylesheet. Later we’ll add all our styles to the css here, but for now we need to understand that the comment block in the file communicates the details of the theme to wordpress. We need to edit the css file so it reflects our theme properly. The block of text in the comment is formated in a specific way that wordpress will read it and it’s actually pretty self explanitory! All we need to do is update the details. Take special notice of the Template line (it’s what tells WordPress that this theme is a child theme using thematic as the parent), here’s what I’ve done:

[cc lang=”css’]
Theme Name: Corporate Clean : A Thematic Child Theme
Theme URI:
Description: Thematic Child Theme Presentation
Author: Evan Mullins
Author URI:
Template: thematic
Version: 1.0
Tags: Thematic
Thematic is © Ian Stewart
Corporate Clean Design by Zsolt Kacso

Once we have this in place, we go to the appearance section in our wordpress dashboard and select our theme. Then we can then make our edits to our stylesheet and see them live on our site!

theme chosen for use on site

Before we go opening a can of CSS, let’s look at a couple things and think big picture. We haven’t yet mentioned what this ‘functions.php’ file is. This is the section where we will do any php related to our theme, in other words our hooks! That includes any wordpress or thematic hooks. This samle theme actually has a couple snippets we can uncomment and a sample filter.

Process & Workflow

My purpose in this presentation was never to show you how to slice a photoshop document into web ready images or how to write CSS. I just wanted to help people get more familiar with or started with building themes. I want to talk a little about my process because when I started theming, while I understood the tech (as in css/html) (although I still had and have lots to learn), the process around theming was somewhat of a mystery. I usually follow a loose workflow/cycle when I’m making a site:

  1. Layout – Wireframe, get content areas (widgets) blocked out. Getting the right content in the right places, or creating the right places to put the content.
  2. Structure – Info Archietecture, get the proper post types and think through any needed templates. Getting the right content types. Ideally we should put this code into a theme functionality plugin to separate the functionality from the visual style. Some think it’s best to put that into a plugin so the theme can be changed. But that’s beyond the scope of this presentation, so I’m just going to show you the code to do it and include it in the theme for now.
  3. Style/Design – CSS, using images and styles to get things visual. Getting the right content looking right.
  4. Interactive – JS, making any client-side scripts lively. Getting content interactive.
  5. Population – The plain old and sometimes even boring, data entry.
  6. Rinse and repeat! This is loose and a cycle, I jump through each of these phases numerous times for each element.

Each of these phases contain different tasks, I’ll include some examples and point out some resources. I don’t want to focus on the exact things to do for any and every situation, but talk more about the way to do things. Basically teach to fish, rather than feed you a few fish.

I think I’ll leave that for another day though. This has gotten quite long!

Video via

Link: CSSrefresh – automatically refresh CSS files

A great css developer helper script from Fred.

CSSrefresh is a small, unobstructive javascript file that monitors the CSS-files included in your webpage. As soon as you save a CSS-file, the changes are directly implemented, without having to refresh your browser.

When you’re coding a website, nothing can be more frustrating than having to switch from the texteditor to the browser over and over again, just for small changes to occur. With CSSrefresh installed, all the included stylesheets are automatically refreshed directly after you save them.

CSSrefresh – automatically refresh CSS files.

Link: Thinking about CSS Architecture

Some great thoughts on CSS for any level. Great idea to have this evolving guide to CSS architecture, so many articles are so specific many people have forgotten the architecture and process behind the css which makes it an easy tool to build and maintain sites. Read up on Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS, great name for SMACSS.

Link: Thinking about CSS Architecture – ( from (author unknown) at

Link: Creating Triangles in CSS « Jon Rohan’s Web Developer Field Guide

Very cool method for creating a triangle in css. I’ve seen it done, but hadn’t looked closely and realized how. Now I’m wondering if it is possible to do it with curves…

Link: Creating Triangles in CSS « Jon Rohan’s Web Developer Field Guide – ( from (author unknown) at

A More Interactive Portfolio

I think a portfolio is something that should be very interactive and intuitive. Check out what that has led to: circlecube’s interactive pog portfolio. I’ve been toying with trying to get something that was fun to look at, but also showed some work. Here is a first look at my Interactive portfolio of work which includes physics simulations and many options to play with the presentation of the body of work. Showing it to a friend he said it made him think of pogs (since the thumbnails are round and moving everywhere).

Well, enough, I’ll let you see what you see… Interactive POG Portfolio

The details

Well, if you’re interested, this is the same portfolio that is listed statically on my website. That’s because I’m using amfphp to read my wordpress database and get the custom post type of portfolio and access all the tags, images and details of each portfolio item. I’m using TweenNano from greensock for some of the motion but all the physics is coded in as3. I’m using the slider and switch from Nick Jonas.

Enjoy playing with the settings!

Now I’m thinking of other ways to implement it: specifically hooking into API services like, dribbble or twitter. Or rebuild it with jQuery and html5!

Video Player 4 introduces interactive playlists, social sharing and more

video player 4 hero shotI’ve been busy hardening and improving my video player lately and had so many updates for it I decided to upload it to activeden as a new file altogether. After some final bug fixes and testing it’s been approved for sale. I think it’s a huge improvement over the last video player. The video playing part is mainly the same (with a few small adjustments for better usability), but I’ve added tons to this update. It’s online at activeden for live preview and purchase.

An extensively customizable yet simple video player. Create and manage play lists for you video delivery as well as allow viewers to share and socially bookmark the video. Integrate the video into your user experience with javascript integration as well as Google Analytics tracking on the video interaction! Control functionality, layout and colors of the player easily! Plus don’t sweat the embed codes – an embed code generator included!

Check out the legend graphic for some views of the player and the different panes. There is the full video view, the playlist, share and detail panes. You can also view them all in fullscreen mode.

circlecube video player 4 legend

This new player has the following updates:

  • Includes an embed script generator built specifically for this video player! Embed script generator with a Live Preview!
  • Use an external xml playlist or set playlist values in flashvars settings. (No need for xml if you don’t want it)
  • Social Bookmarking with facebook, twitter, delicious, google buzz & linkedin
  • Send emails through the player to share the video with friends
  • Google Analytics Integration (event tracking) – Uses your analytics account on a per video setting in flashvars.
  • All colors fully customizable in flashvars or xml
  • Display video title and description – html content (may contain links) in the detail pane.
  • Video controls also in context menu (right-click menu)
  • Loop the video once, twice however many times you wish and even infinitely!
  • Disable tooltips completely if you wish
  • Keyboard shortcut integration! Press the space bar to pause/play the video just like in most video playback programs.
  • Volume setting cached across sessions for a better user experience
  • Double click video for fullscreen

As well as all that made version 3 video player great as well:

  • Supports flv, f4v and any container format using H.264: mp4, m4a, mov, mp4v, 3GP, 3G2.
  • All images and video loaded externally
  • Run this player without additional files, just pass in the flv path.
  • Supports most image file types: jpg, gif, png.
  • Google Analytics Integration (event tracking) – Uses your analytics account on a per video setting in flashvars.
  • Load any dimension video. Completely resizable
  • Set player width and height
  • Set video width and height
  • Full screen capabilities
  • All colors fully customizable
  • Use a preview/thumbnail image.
  • Auto play option
  • Auto load option – in case you had a bunch of video on one page you wouldn’t want them all to auto load.
  • Video scale/stretching options: none, exact, uniform, fill.
  • Javascript callback functions for loading video and finishing video playback.
  • Show/hide a big play button over the video option
  • Show/hide “vcr” video player controls or have them auto-hide
  • Advanced volume controls, click to mute or drag to desired volume. Volume fades rather than cuts.
  • Support for a logo
  • Controls auto-hide
  • Time code display in current time or elapsed time. click to toggle
  • Tooltips for controls
  • Send video files to player dynamically with javascript integration (with an html link on a page send a video to play)
  • Replay video after complete
  • Progressive play and load displays. Watch as the video loads and see the scrub bar update as you watch.
  • Scrub bar is interactive click and drag. Tooltip to display hovered time.
  • Animated play controls.
  • Buttons states & tooltips.
  • All player graphics are vector shapes and very small in size.
  • Fully rearrange player controls
  • Option to disable fullscreen
  • Display video title and description – html content (may contain links)

Here’s a screenshot of the embed code generator:

embed generator preview