Apple "support" with fixed position layouts

This really echo's the reasons why I still have trouble with the 'thoughts on flash' mentality (although, I know flash is irrelevant here). It's similar in that there is this self proclaimed 'support' for html5 (making needing flash irrelevant)… but in real life the devices are far from supporting HTML5. Support to apple and support to developers is a totally different story. Even many simple things that are HTML5 become very difficult in developing for iPhone, iPad or other iOS devices. Here's an example of many issues that result in attempting to use features that iOS claims to "support".

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Issues with position fixed & scrolling on iOS
With the release of iOS 5, fixed positioned layout is said to be supported in MobileSafari. The word supported needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, because there's all kinds of issues which I i…

CSS3 Only Cycle

Here is a great example but an even better writeup on the full process. Some great details on the inner working on css3 animations and the different browser implementations. It's amazing the things that css can accomplish now, especially when we don't support ie! Jokes!

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A Pure CSS3 Cycling Slideshow | Smashing Coding
Thanks to CSS3, we can create effects and animations without using JavaScript, which will facilitate the work of many designers.

Some great CSS3 Effects on scrolling from Hakim

Some really cool examples here. I really like the helix effect personally. Check them out: ! And the code on github:

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Hakim / CSS3 Scroll Effects
Decided it was time for some CSS tinkering again and ended up creating this set of CSS3 scrolling styles. Not intended for any practical use but the visuals are surprisingly impactful.

CSS layout gets smarter with calc() – HTML5Rocks Updates

I hadn’t heard there was support for calc() in css yet, but apparently you can use it in a couple browsers! This is very exciting news and I wonder how long until it’s fully supported. Currently it can be used in the chrome 19 (with vendor prefix: -webkit-calc), firefox since ff8 (with the vendor prefix: -moz-calc) and the biggest surprise of all is that IE9 supports it already with no prefix! It seems css will begin contending with some of the css preprocessors.


CSS layout gets smarter with calc() – HTML5Rocks Updates.

An Event Apart Notes: Ethan Marcotte, Responsive Web Design

Ethan MarcotteEthan Marcotte has become the father of Responsive Web Design and spent this whole day focused on principles, techniques, gotchas, examples, … all about building and how to build responsive sites. With a sprinkle of mobile first.

For Ethan, it all started with this article:

Think of architecture, the whole design phase is established on constraints.

A truly interactive system is a multiple-loop in which one enters into a conversation; a continual and constructive information exchange.

Examples of responsive design:
crush and lovely – very big and touch friendly navigation – notre dame
university of tennessee
the boston globe

Why go responsive?
“offer high quality with lower maintenance” – don’t

Compare process to print with a press – linear process has been co-opted for the web
discover, design, develop, deliver
Break down the one way process from design to develop. The workflow should cycle between design and develop.
How well does the layout adapt?
Do individual modules still feel usable?

Think Disposably

Natalie Down video on Vimeo

Device Access: Working with devices is part of our design process

Our content. Wherever you are. Universal Access

Mobile First! – Luke Wroblewski
The argument: Mobile traffic has explided, new capabilities (touch, geo, voice, ubiquity), narrower screens force us to focus.
Think about these things earlier in the process gives a better end product
What value does each content have for our mobile users?

Mobile First and Design for Content First (really Content always)

Flexible Grids – responsive sites have a flexible foundation

500 Android – snapshot from google analytics:
Will screen resolutions standardize over time? Who knows, we need to be thinking flexible, it is even the more future proof solution.

The History of Grids – Every movement in art can be seen as a response to another
Start design with a network of modules
…methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve have been developed for centuries… -Jan Tschichold
Mark Boulton introduces “The New Canon” for web design
-Content out, not canvas in.
-Create connectedness
-Bind the content to the device – change – Mandy Brown “rich designs can emerge from flexible roots… the web is not print…

Formula: target / context = result

Elliot Jay Stocks suggests using a 1000px width page for easier calculations:

TextMate has intrenal tools for doing calculations. Let the software calculate the formula, then put the the reference numbers in a comment.

SASS – Getting started with SASS –

Use the formula for margins and padding as well. We get proportional results! Using fixed values would be unproportional.

Learning to love (survive) rounding
.last-child { display:table-cell }

Golden Grid
know limitations of a framework

it’s all about balancing the ease of dev vs ease of maintenance

Frameworks are very valuable for prototyping

Design your source code order. think about linear and layout at the same time.

no correlation between screensize and connection speed (or price even)
a matter of serving appropriate images
a hack really: preloaders, cookies and race conditions (
Each browser does this differently though and it’s not standardized.

Other options for responsive images – route your images through this url to get appropriately sized images. still uses browser detection to determine size, pus it’s 3rd party
categorizr – a modern device detection script –

Can we solve this with new markup? A new html element? Like th evideo or audio elements?
Video element can have media query attached and multiple source files referenced.

background-position: 0 0; – x y; left top; 50px 0; 0 50px;
it’s a bit different for percentages: 50% 50% (centered). percentage for packground position is proportional to the image itself and the container. t places that point in the background image in that position in the container.
Resizing background images: background-size css property. Set in pixel based terms or in proportions/percentages. (not 100% supported, but can be used as progressive enhancement).

Create an aspect-ratio aware box (container): height / width = aspect ratio
set the video width and height to 100% and give the container a padding-top of the aspect ration value (in percentage)

Is the answer to the images/bandwidth question more code?
Let the user opt-in to the content that they are most interested in to construct the page.
User selected video settings in youtube, for example.

Media Queries
Descendant from media type style sheets: scree, print, handheld, projector…
display area and rendering surface
Think of the browser’s viewport as the display area and the display as the rendering surface.
Specify ranges with min- and max- prefixes for browsers above or below a certain threshold or breakpoint.
Long list of media query features: width, height, device-width, device-height, orientation, aspect-ratio, device-aspect-ratio, color, color-index, monochrome, resolution, scan, grid. These can be combined in statements.
Can combine media types as well.
Also keywords for mixing the statements: only, not, and

There is a difference between “device pixels” and “css pixels”
ios bug for orientation:
module in css iin progress.

Put it into practice:
Looking at the weather module on the boston globe as an example.
Don’t suppress things before discussing simplifying it.

How do you choose breakpoints?
(The only way I’ve ever learned anything, is by doing it wrong first)
Initial breakpoints: 320, 480, 768, 1024, 1200px
Set up the queries to support Mobile First
Mobile first workflow overview, start with one layout and additively add more.

css3-mediaqueries-js: slower, first on the scene.
respond.js: very fast, only tests for min-width and max-width, only ~3kb

There’s no real set of IDEAL breakpoints
We’ve been very focused on columns, let’s refocus on content!
Set major increments and have the smallest breakpoint totally fluid and then find breakpoints dependent on the design (content and typography) rather than devices. Let’s not choose our breakpoints based on devices, but let our designs dictate what looks best.

Start with the smallest part

Advanced Layouts
Negative margins to break out of the grid


CSS3 – the waiting game
Multiple background images

display: -webkit-flexbox or -webkit-inline-flexbox
flex-flow: row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse;
flex-order: 1;

flex-order places flexbox items into ordered groups
By default, elements have a flex-order of 0, and remain in the same order they are in the source.

Could be used for template layouts with a layout policy!

! (oh the waiting game, it would be awesome to be able to use this now)
Bagcheck app, links to footer navigation in the header.
Content before navigation for mobile. Setting the top margin and absolute position to 5em/-5em, and the navigation is part of the main content. Smaller sizes the navigation is at the bottom and larger it is set to position absolute and fits inside the margin.

Responsive Enhancements
fittext.js – “Some people’s brains I wish I had” – Ethan talking about Trent Walton

Progressive Enhancements are backwards thinking to graceful degradation, start simple and build up with enhancements.

Use IE conditionals to load specific stylesheets for them. And use media=”only all” for the enhanced styles

Minify and combine/concatenate javascript files

Conditionally load assets (progressive enhancement – if a browser can’t be enhanced, let’s not load the files that would enhance it). Test for capabilities of device and not test for the device itself

Constantly ask yourself: is this element content or an enhancement.
Fonts: (fonts for web are usually pretty heavy)

Thinking about process and patterns
1. Width
2. Hierarchy
3. Density
4. Interaction

More Examples:

WOW, what a day! On to implementation…

Link: Responsive Images: How they Almost Worked and What We Need

Mat discusses the options for getting responsive images along with responsive designs. We can use various means (server-side, client-side, mobile-first, html5 data attributes, cookies…), but none are fully satisfactory, especially with new browsers prefetching images before cookies can be set or html is even fully read and parsed. He states that bandwidth sniffing is…

a lot like setting something on fire to see exactly how flammable it is

Great analogy, since the only real way to know a bandwidth speed is to download something and time it… so we can’t effectively rely on that for determining which image file to deliver. A proposal for a new html element to handle multiple image source files, much like the new video and audio elements:

<source src="high-res.jpg" media="min-width: 800px" />
<source src="mobile.jpg" />
<!-- Fallback content: -->
<img src="mobile.jpg" />

via A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Images: How they Almost Worked and What We Need.

CSS3 Tool, CSS3Please

With all the buzz about new improvements in CSS3 I’ve been meaning to write about it, but…

css3 please screen shot

I couldn’t find any excuses when I stumbled on Paul Irish’s new a cross-browser css3 rule generator. Just had to do a quick post to spread the word.

It’s great for cross-browser testing as well as generating the code for many css3 rules:

  • border-radius
  • box-shadow
  • gradient background
  • rgba backgrounds
  • transform (rotate)
  • @font-face

and more coming soon!