Google Maps Game Cube

Here's a very cool interactive google maps game called Cube. You move a ball by tilting the cube to get to a certain destination and avoid obstacles. Much like that labrynth game with a marble in a wooden box. Very nice 3D animations and fast performance. The eye in london actually rotates like a feris wheel! It integrates features of google maps to show off bike lanes, subways and traffic!

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Cube – A game about Google Maps
Play your way through a cubic Google Maps world. Travel through New York, Tokyo and many other cities and learn all about the great features of Google Maps.

Some great CSS3 Effects on scrolling from Hakim

Some really cool examples here. I really like the helix effect personally. Check them out: ! And the code on github:

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Hakim / CSS3 Scroll Effects
Decided it was time for some CSS tinkering again and ended up creating this set of CSS3 scrolling styles. Not intended for any practical use but the visuals are surprisingly impactful.

Alexander Chen – Bach Cello Suites No. 1, Prelude

Go watch/play at: Very cool interactive musical visualization by Alexander Chan, also behind the Les Paul Google Doodle and Conductor. I’m always a fan of visualizing music and this goes even further in that it creates the music. It’s like he’s created his own digital instrument.

Alexander Chen – Bach Cello Suites No. 1, Prelude – by Alexander Chan.