Short Head

Use zipf's short head to tune your website rather than redesign the whole thing. To make a website successful it needs to meet the needs of the users. Find out what those needs are by using the short head philosophy to equate most searched things as the biggest needs of the users. Use personas to segment the audience and make sure you've got each audience covered and all their main needs. Then showcase the content that they need.

Every websites could benefit from this process. Every new site or redesign should start with this research and strategy. It does take time and effort, but it has the biggest return on investment in making an effective website. I still think redesigns are still needed, but slapping a new design on a bad architecture and structure benefits no one, especially the user.

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Stop Redesigning And Start Tuning Your Site Instead | Smashing UX Design
Let’s look at why redesigns happen, and some straightforward and inexpensive ways we might avoid them.

Tweening Lib comes to Javascript!

I'm very excited to share the news that the tween library from GreenSock (hands down the best tweening library I used in flash) is not ported for use in javascript! This will be great! I missed that simple syntax from as3 when animating javascript, and now I can have my cake and eat it too.

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» GreenSock tweening comes to JavaScript
Great news for those who are looking to get into JS animation. GreenSock, the creator of excellent libraries like TweenLite and TweenMax, has just released their new animation platform and it includes…

Some great CSS3 Effects on scrolling from Hakim

Some really cool examples here. I really like the helix effect personally. Check them out: ! And the code on github:

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Hakim / CSS3 Scroll Effects
Decided it was time for some CSS tinkering again and ended up creating this set of CSS3 scrolling styles. Not intended for any practical use but the visuals are surprisingly impactful.

Stacked Visual with CSS pseudo elements

Here's a great example of how to embellish a design without adding (much) markup and using tools available to progressively enhance the experience while not burdening users with downloading any more kbs.

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Create the Illusion of Stacked Elements with CSS3 Pseudo-Elements – Inspect Element
By now, hopefully you're familiar with the use of the :before and :after pseudo-elements in order to do some interesting effects with CSS. Here I'm going to show you how you can create a simple 'stack…