CSS3 Only Cycle

Here is a great example but an even better writeup on the full process. Some great details on the inner working on css3 animations and the different browser implementations. It's amazing the things that css can accomplish now, especially when we don't support ie! Jokes!

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A Pure CSS3 Cycling Slideshow | Smashing Coding
Thanks to CSS3, we can create effects and animations without using JavaScript, which will facilitate the work of many designers.

Separate HTML and CSS for fast clear & clean code

Another great article from Jonathan Snook reasoning thorugh the benefits of specific css class selectors with some good examples. Really calls to mind his SMACSS principles I've been loving.

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Decoupling HTML From CSS | Smashing Coding
For years, the Web standards community has talked about the separation of concerns. Separate your CSS from your JavaScript from your HTML. We all do that, right? CSS goes into its own file; JavaScript…

PhoneGap Build Starter Project

I'm liking Ryan's initiative to make PhoneGap Build documentation and workflow updated, bug-free and more streamlined. I've been using PhoneGap and phoneGap Build more and more and I've really been enjoying how simple it makes the process. I'm all for making it better still and think it will be hugely useful!

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The PhoneGap Starter Project | Ryan Stewart – Mountaineer Coding
As I've been digging more and more into PhoneGap Build I've also been discovering that there are some gaps in the workflow and that it's not always easy to go from a feature I want to use …

The Web Apps or Native Apps Tide

Web apps and native apps are different ends with the same mean, but they have different characteristics. I'm always a fan of the web and accessibility, but also enjoy a nicely designed app when it's useful. Here's a good thought about how Web apps are stacking up vs Native Apps and some hopeful forecasting.

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Web Versus Native – Asking the Wrong Questions | Ryan Stewart – Mountaineer Coding
There's been a lot of talk lately about web apps versus native. It's not that the question has ever gone away, but just over the past couple of weeks it seems like it's been called out a b…