
Publish What You Learn

Some great advice via the Move the Web Forward movement. I whole heartedly agree, teaching benefits everyone. Those who teach, learn more and enable other to learn. That's the whole idea why I started this site. I use it just as much for publishing code as example experiments as well. But I invite everyone to join the <a href="">movement</a> ( and publish!

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Publish What You Learn | Smashing Magazine
In the final week of November 2011, a smart group of developers launched a project called Move The Web Forward, which you can read more about in Addy Osmani’s Smashing Magazine article.

Programming Languages as Data Visualization Infographic

Here's a great data visualization timeline showing an individual's programming history: what languages and when and how much. I think it's a very pleasing visual too. He's posted the code to github to play with. Could be a very interesting addition to a bio or resume.

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Zeh Fernando » Blog Archive » Programming platforms I’ve used, 1986-2012
One day I started filling a spreadsheet with all the languages I've used over the years (and with percentages of focus on each one) with the intention of creating a chart. It got bigger than I exp…

Design Patters are everywhere

Design patters are more abstract that code snippets. Think about the information the pattern is displaying and the problems it aims to solve before you think about what it should look like.

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Understanding design patterns in your everyday work – (Ryan Singer)
The concept of design ”patterns” is widely misunderstood. I want to give you a solid understanding of what patterns really are and how they reflect what designers already do every day. What is the mis…

Flash Updates Explained in truth

Updates to the flash platform for game development and license requirements. Not as scary as the news makes it sound…

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The end is nigh, or is it? Adobe charges developers to make Flash content
Excellent post regarding the Flash platform and the compromised nature of technical reporting. It's good to hear people state facts based on an understanding of the subject matter rather than maki…

TypeButter jQuery plugin for kerning

WIth the craze that Responsive Web Design is stirring up and all the fuss about optimizing the delivery of size appropriate images we're also getting bombarded with high def retina displays and having to worry about image resolutions. But type is scalable and crisp at all resolutions and Zeldman proposes that web type is in a position to top images as the dominant element for aesthetic appeal for a while… Let's pretty our web fonts if they are supposed to be aesthetic, no?

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Web Type Will Save Us (Or, Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Retina Display?) – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
Here we go again. First it was: “OMGZ0RZ, teh mobilez are coming – quick, we need to reduce all image sizes for small-screen layouts!” Now it's. “Mobile devices are cropping up with high-density s…

Polyfill for Proposed HTML Element for Picture

Here's a polyfill from Scott Jehl to be used to begin testing the newly proposed picture element. This element, much like the video element, would allow for multiple sources which could then be tied to media queries to enable different images to be used/loaded for different breakpoints. This would mainly benefit those working on Responsive Web Design. It's great to see some progress on Responsive Images.

Demo URL (check the source):
Code on Github:

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Polyfilling picture without the overhead | Responsive Images Community Group
In an early post, I offered up a sample picture element implementation in JavaScript (a polyfill) that we could use to play with and plan how the element should behave when/if implemented. The script …