Checking out an interesting article about Diaspora (back the project and the cause if you can) on NYTimes and then I noticed the words adobe and Apple in the same space. The ad reads “We Love Apple” and is followed by the Adobe logo. What a joke I thought, it takes a lot of gumption for Adobe to say they love Apple right now, but I’m sure they really do. Despite all the negative things Apple has been doing and saying towards Flash and Adobe in general. I admit I’m biased, but…
I {heart} flash
I would rather stop using Apple than stop using Adobe. I agree with the openness and empowering software that Adobe provides. True, it’s expensive and true it’s not perfect, but I’ve found Adobe to be a great company that cares about the web and progress. During the whole Flash/iPhone debate I’ve been bothered by the lack of response from Adobe. It was nice that they were above the name calling and flat out lying that Steve Jobs and Apple have turned to, but to be honest- a little disheartening that they had nothing to say. Then the ‘Thoughts on Flash’ came out and I was amazed at the silence from Adobe. This is the perfect and genius response to the unprofessional lashes from Apple. From the 3.3.1 iPhone developer clause to the sheer CLOSEDness of Apple in general. I used to be a big fan of Apple because they made a great product. Perhaps I gave them a little boost because who doesn’t like an underdog. But they have proven to me at least to be more closed and more evil than even Microsoft when they packaged IE with their OS. (Although Apple has done that too with Safari and iTunes, but I digress).
What we don’t love is anybody taking away your freedom to choose what you create, how you create it, and what you experience on the web.
I give props to Adobe. They were surely disturbed when Apple declared war on flash, but rather than stooping to the level of Steve Jobs, they thought it out and made an honorable move. I know it’s not the end, but if things continue a check-mate/game-point-match may be in order by the end of the decade…
I’ve joined Cornerstone Media Group of Atlanta as the Senior Web Designer and Front-End coder! A bit stale as far as news goes, I’m going on 6 months already. The reason I bring it up now is that we’ve just relaunched our website. This new look is not just about new appearances and aesthetics, it is about a new approach. The redesigned website has new features that make the user experience easier and more intuitive. There is a dynamic portfolio and the company blog is tied more into the site and more into the business. Most employees are signed on as an author on the blog. We’ll do our best to flood the inter-web with good content related to what we do and our expertise. Three of our most popular business solutions now are highlighted buttons that can take you straight to landing pages with more in depth information on each solution; SEO, Web Design and E-Commerce. The redesigned website offers a freshness that comes with change. We hope you enjoy your new experience at cornerstone. If you’re in need of any web services chances are we’ll have a solution at CSMediaGroup.
The main reason I decided to write this was foxtrot:
The “community” is bringing out so-called enemies of flash. But I think the web is what it is today to a great part because of flash. I hope apple will one day open up and actually make the best web experience possible by putting flash on the iProducts (but seriously doubt Mr Jobs will ever come to his senses). The way I see it, blocking flash on apple products is a business decision (as flash would compete with the cash flow of the app store) cloaked in a technical and sorry excuse and passing the blame onto the very company (Adobe) which has repeatedly tried to work with mac to achieve improvements.
HTML5 killing flash? Flash not dead!
I could write paragraphs about it, I for one am very excited about the new possibilities with html5 and css3 and even cs5! I could go on but I’ll just reference some of the best articles I’ve seen:
//links links links
Flashvars and actionscript 3! Flashvar is a way that in your html embed codes (object tags) you can send variables and values into your swf file. These variables can then be grabbed internally and used your programming! Examples of these could be images that you want to use in your swf but don’t want to import or hardcode them into the flash file or paths to xml or flv files to use as well. Actionscript 3 has a different procedure than as2 did as to how you read these flashvars from the actionscript side. The embed codes and html side of things are still the same, but in case your new to actionscript altogether, I’ll give an example of the html as well. [cc lang=”html”] [/cc] In actionscript 3 we use the loaderInfo object to access the flashvars. The parameters Object of the loaderInfo will contain all the flashvar variables and values. [cc lang=”actionscript”] this.loaderInfo.parameters [/cc] As an example of something that is visual I’ve created this little app to read some options from flashvars about colors. An app that will read a list of colors and update a box that is on the stage already to those colors with the specified delay. I always have fun with randomness so I threw in the option for random colors as well. This file looks for certain flashvars: color, loop, delay and random. These are the keys or names of the variables and they are followed by the values you want them to hold. Note that flashvars can be set in any order, so you don’t have to start with color and end with random. In this example I’m looking for 4 flashvars specifically (in any order):
colors:String – a comma delimited list of hex colors or simply a string “random” for randomly generated colors (the hex for black #000000 needs to be 0x000000 in flash) (default is random)
loop:Boolean – whether or not to repeat these colors (default is true)
delay:Number – the delay between colors (in seconds). (default is 1 second)
random:Boolean – determines whether to cycle through colors in given order or randomize. selecting random overrides the loop to true. (default is false)
This is much more than is required for this example, but I was having fun playing with random colors and timing and options. I figured it doesn’t hurt to show the effect you can have with a couple different variables on one file. Here is an example using the object tags above: [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” width=”200″ height=”200″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=”colors=0xFF0000,0x0FF000,0x00FF00,0x000FF0,0X0000FF,0xF0000F&delay=.66&loop=true&random=false”] [/kml_flashembed] And here are some more (please don’t have a seizure!) Here’s the full source if you’re interested: [cc lang=”actionscript”] /* App to demonstrate the process of getting flashvars from embed code to actionscript (as3) Displays colors specified. looking for 4 flashvars specifically (in any order): colors:String – a comma delimited list of hex colors or simply a string “random” for randomly generated colors (the hex for black #000000 needs to be 0x000000) (default is random) loop:Boolean – wether or not to repeat these colors (default is true) delay:Number – the delay between colors (in seconds). (default is 1 second) random:Boolean – determines wether to cycle through colors in given order or randomize. selecting random overrides the loop to true. (default is false) */ //initialize vars var myflashvars:Object = new Object() var myColors:Array = new Array(“random”); var myLoop:Boolean = true; var myDelay:Number = 1; var randomOrder:Boolean = false; var allRandom:Boolean = false; //read flashvars in actionscript3 //if colors flashvars doesn’t exist use these defaults if (!this.loaderInfo.parameters.colors){ myflashvars = {colors: “random”, delay: 1}; } else{ myflashvars = this.loaderInfo.parameters; } //assign flashvars to variables within flash for (var item:String in myflashvars) { trace(item + “:\t” + myflashvars[item]); if (item == “colors”){ myColors = myflashvars[item].split(‘,’); } else if(item == “loop”){ myLoop = parseBoolean(myflashvars[item]); } else if(item == “delay”){ myDelay = myflashvars[item]; } else if(item == “random”){ randomOrder = parseBoolean(myflashvars[item]); } } //use my variables! if (myColors[0] == “random”){ allRandom = true; } var counter:Timer = new Timer(myDelay * 1000); counter.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextColor); trace (“color number: 0”, “color hex: “+myColors[0]); setColor(myBox, myColors[0]); counter.start(); stop(); function nextColor(e:Event):void{ //cycle through colors if (!allRandom && !randomOrder){ if (counter.currentCount+2 > myColors.length){ if (myLoop == true || myLoop == “true”){ counter.reset(); counter.start(); } else{ counter.stop(); } } trace (“color number: “+counter.currentCount, “color hex: “+myColors[counter.currentCount]); setColor(myBox, myColors[counter.currentCount – 1]); } //randomly select a color from the myColors array else if (!allRandom && randomOrder){ var randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * myColors.length); trace (“random number: “+randomColor, “color hex: “+myColors[randomColor]); setColor(myBox, myColors[randomColor]); } //randomly create colors else{ trace (“number: “+counter.currentCount, “color hex: “+myColors[0]); setColor(myBox, myColors[0]); } } function setColor(item:DisplayObject, col):void{ if (col == “random”){ setRandomColor(item); } else{ setHexColor(item, col); } } function setHexColor(item:DisplayObject, col:Number):void { var myColor:ColorTransform = item.transform.colorTransform; //check color bounds if (col > 16777215) col = 16777215; else if (col < 0) col = 0; myColor.color = col; item.transform.colorTransform = myColor; } function setRandomColor(item:DisplayObject):void{ setColor(item, (Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215))); } function parseBoolean(str:String):Boolean { switch(str.toLowerCase()) { // Check for true values case “1”: case “true”: case “yes”: return true; // Check for false values case “0”: case “false”: case “no”: return false; // If all else fails cast string default: return Boolean(str); } } [/cc]
I’ve written a tutorial which is published over at flash.tutsplus. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a horizontally scrolling image viewer and covers xml parsing, loading and resizing external images, and creating intuitive and responsive scrolling!
Thanks for your patience as I’ve been tinkering with the theme, layout and css of
old theme
The last theme I used was badly broken with the wordpress 2.8 update and then I noticed the developer actually discontinued support for the theme! So I had an opportunity to delve into wordpress theming. I’d been reading about child themes and wanted a nice stable basic parent theme to build from. Cue thematic framework. It was a great learning experience building a child theme for myself, many thanks to Ian Stewart for all the tips help and tuts to help me though it, not to mention for creating thematic . new theme
I’ve kept the color scheme and general look of the site the same. So the reason I’m going on about it is I think I’m finished… and I’m asking you to let me know if you see anything that looks odd or fishy, or even just want to make a suggestion or comment on how much you like/hate the redesign. Comment on this post or contact me!
And as always, if there’s something you would like me to write about or have questions you can also contact me. I’ve even set up a poll in the sidebar showing post ideas I have which you can vote on and encourage me to write the one(s) you want most first! So let me know what you want, it encourages me to write more. And be sure to subscribe to the circlecube rss feed so you won’t miss anything that’s coming up!
Interactive Design project for StomperNet’s tease of the announced reveal on 09/09/09 at 09:09:09!
“Online Marketing Changes Forever!”
Wanted it to be unexpected, and I think we hit it! Check it out live at!
For this project I used flash, html, css and javascript. Tweener for the fading effects. Found a nice stock flash from activeden for the countdown and used jquery and the easing and color plugins.
Here is a preview of a file I’m writing a tutorial for. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it deals with many normal tasks and will show my process a bit. This tutorial will show how to create a horizontally scrolling image viewer. It will cover xml loading & parsing, loading & resizing external images to fit into a scrollable container, and creating intuitive and responsive scrolling!
Let me know what you think, and if there’s anything you want specifically mentioned/explained in it I’ll do my best! Or if you have any ideas of how this could be improved.
StomperNet relaunched the popular FormaulFIVE and I was responsible for the design of the landing pages. Here are screenshots from the launch, FormulaFIVE was teased with a couple video trailers and even packaged with some bonus videos called the Cash Booster series. Go to to view the page.