CSS3 Tool, CSS3Please

With all the buzz about new improvements in CSS3 I’ve been meaning to write about it, but…

css3 please screen shot

I couldn’t find any excuses when I stumbled on Paul Irish’s new css3please.com: a cross-browser css3 rule generator. Just had to do a quick post to spread the word.

It’s great for cross-browser testing as well as generating the code for many css3 rules:

  • border-radius
  • box-shadow
  • gradient background
  • rgba backgrounds
  • transform (rotate)
  • @font-face

and more coming soon!

Tutorial to Create a Responsive Image Scroller in ActionScript 3.0


I’ve written a tutorial which is published over at flash.tutsplus. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a horizontally scrolling image viewer and covers xml parsing, loading and resizing external images, and creating intuitive and responsive scrolling!

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2009/07/image-scroller-example.swf” width=”550″ height=”137″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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So check out the Tutorial to Create a Responsive Image Scroller in ActionScript 3.0 over at flash.tutsplus.com!


You’ll find full source code available for download as well as the demo files and step by step milestones all throughout the tutorial.

Flash Drag and Drop Tutorial | startDrag Actionscript

I find that Drag and Drop is the most intuitive form of user interaction (at least using a mouse). Actionscript has some of this functionality built in, with the interactive functions startDrag and stopDrag, these can help make our coding pretty easy. If you are transitioning from as2, the code was incredibly simple:


[cc lang=”actionscript”]
on (press) {
startDrag (this);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
stopDrag ();
On the movie clip action panel you’d just put that script, which is actually pretty readable even if you don’t know code. The releaseOutside is to keep from the clip missing the release event, because sometimes if a user released the mouse button but was not currently over the clip being dragged for whatever reason, it will not stop dragging.

Actionscript 3

drag-drap-as3-ballSome things have changed with as3, other than the actual coding structure, the biggest change for me doing drag and drop in the new actionscript was that the mouse events have changed. There is no more a press or release. They were replaced with, MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP. There is no more releaseOutside either and this one is a little more complicated to find among the new MouseEvent list.
Leaving it out works, but we still have the same problem. Check out the working example below and try dragging the red ball to the green or yellow one and drop it there. Since the green is above the red in the layer sequence, the mouse is over the green and when the MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP fires, it’s not on the red ball but on the green, so we don’t get to the code that drops the red ball. So the red ball code basically has times when the dragging sticks even after we release the mouse button. Not to mention the dragging is very jumpy!
[cc lang=”actionscript”]
ballRed.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragRed);
ballRed.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropRed);
function dragRed(e:MouseEvent):void{
function dropRed(e:MouseEvent):void{

Using the Mouse Move event will help us to customize our behavior a bit more. Plus I wanted to get a more abstract level to it, so I could apply the event listeners to any display object and use the event properties to target the right clips. We begin the drag with the Mouse Down, and the create some other eventListeners for the stage that will watch the Mouse Move and Up events. So clicking on the green or yellow ball, fires the grabMe function which sets the me variable (which will hold any object) to the current target of the event, which should always be the object that you click. So we are using the same code for both the green and yellow ball. I’m a big fan of code consolidation and reuse, it takes a little more effort, but the code is much more clean and portable even. Then we add the event listeners for the stage on MOUSE_MOVE and MOUSE_UP. So first, mthe dragMe function, just says to update after event. This makes the animation smoother cause it only updates the display after the event completes it’s process. Then the drop me function is attached to the stage, so anywhere you release the mouse, the object will stop dragging, plus we remove the stage event listeners and add back the listener for the original object (me). Note the buttonMode property as well, this will make the cursor turn to a hand when you hover that object.
[cc lang=”actionscript”]
ballYellow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, grabMe);
ballYellow.buttonMode = true;
ballGreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, grabMe);
ballGreen.buttonMode = true;

var me:Object;
function grabMe(e:MouseEvent):void{
me = e.currentTarget;
me.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, grabMe);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragMe);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropMe);
function dropMe(e:MouseEvent):void {
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropMe);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragMe);
me.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, grabMe);
function dragMe(e:MouseEvent):void {
This functionality is much smoother and then when I want to add more code to the dragging or dropping, I have a place to do it already!


[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2009/04/as3dragdrop-ball.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”400″]

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Circlecube Freshens Up … for you!

Thanks for your patience as I’ve been tinkering with the theme, layout and css of circlecube.com.

I started with a free theme from Justin Tadlock, Options Theme, available at theme hybrid. I’ve changed that theme quite a bit, from restyling it to fixing bugs I found and updated many other things on the site as well. So the reason I’m going on about it is I think I’m finished… and I’m asking you to let me know if you see anything that looks odd or fishy, or even just want to make a suggestion or comment on how much you like/hate the redesign. Comment on this post or contact me!

And as always, if there’s something you would like me to write about or have questions you can also contact me. I’ve even set up a poll in the sidebar showing post ideas I have which you can vote on and encourage me to write the one(s) you want most first! So let me know what you want, it encourages me to write more as well. And be sure to subscribe to the circlecube rss feed so you won’t miss anything that’s coming up!

Sally Kolar Photography

Sally, a great photographer in the Augusta, GA area wanted help putting up a website that was easy to maintain and looked professional. I helped her out and set her up with a wordpress install, some essential plugins and a few themes! She is ecstatic!

Check out the site here: http://sallykolar.com/ and book her if you’re in the area and want great photography!

Voters Aide | Prioritize the Issues this Election | Interactive Flash App

To accompany the last presidential debate, I ask a question:

Who to vote for?

It’s not just about what party you’re affiliated with, who you agree with more on an issue or which candidate you understand better… it’s a combination of them all. It’s more important how a candidate can handle the different issues facing us today than how they perform in a debate or advertisement.
There should be somewhere to assign a weight to each issue on the table and then issue by issue see which candidate I agree more with. Then it would calculate and tell me who I really support according to how I prioritize the issues. So if I think the only issue worth voting about is Iraq or the economy and I agree more with Barrack Obama or John McCain on those issues it will be reflect in the results.
It’s pretty hard to explain the whole idea, without building it myself, so that’s just what I did… while I couldn’t stop thinking about it I coded it.

Check it out, and I hope it helps! Cause we’re gonna need all the help we can get on this one! It can help you decide or just test yourself and see if you really support that candidate as much as you think.

Go try it here!

I pulled info from CNN’s election center mostly because all the info was gathered for me already, each of the big issues, descriptions and the candidates position. I have a slider for each issue where users select how imortant it is to them (on a scale of 0 to 100 percent). Then users compare their own position on the issues with each candidate (on a scale of 0 to 100 toward each candidate). This is all considered while your support is calculated. Each issue’s importance as a percentage is multiplied by the amount you agree with each candidates position. These are all added up and totaled to give a final percentage. This is innovative in that it’s not just who you agree with mpre, it’s who you agree with more on the isues that you think are more important! Let me know what you think about this and let the candidates know what you think about their positions.

Voters Aide the flash app to help you decide who you support by letting you prioritize the issues and choose which candidate you lean towards on each issue and see the overall results.

iKill Flash Game Art


iKill: Pick Fruit, Be Happy, Keep Killing

iKill_5I developed this game for my Digital Media Thesis. I wanted to do a project that was interactive, and enjoying flash I decided to create it in the form of a game. The project called “iKill’ is Installation Game Art, and is also available online. It explores multiple these, such as man in nature, globalization, fast food, economics, etc. The game was part of an installation for the Digital Media Exit show of Spring 2007. I kept progress of the game online at my digmeexit blog with incremental demo versions of the project. The installation had a fully interactive game and used game controller to play. In the game you play the generic man and work through the work week. Your job is to pick fruit as it grows on the trees. You receive your wages according to your harvest and at the end of the day you “cash out” and earn your happiness (how else but with Happy Meals). You do encounter obstacles and must kill the bugs before they deprive you of your happy harvest! It is pretty simple critique on a culture that equates unhealthy food to happiness without regard to the environment, and equates a mindless 40 hour work week and competitive salary to a full life. For more details visit the development blog (digmeexit.blogspot)

Play Online Version of iKill

Use the arrows to move, space bar to pause, ‘z’ to jump and ‘x’ to swat.

Stomper Scrutinizer Browser AIR App

Software for viewing websites through a simulated fovea vision. Since not everyone could set-up, let alone afford a real eye-tracker. This software uses the mouse pointer as the user’s focal point, or foveal view. It blurs everything except where your focal point (the mouse) is. It is helpful because it forces you to re-think web design from an extreme usability standpoint. This browser software was built using AIR and Flex. Using this software as an eye-tracking simulation, you can get a better idea of how users interact with your site design.

I was responsible for programming and designing some key functionality of the app: the menu bar logic, bookmarking engine, capturing and saving of screenshots, and the loading bar which shows page load progress, and the overall browser chrome/skin.