Circlecube Polls Readers for Content

Just added a poll plug-in to the site!

I’m polling readers to see what they want next, in regards to posts.

I have so many post drafts and even more post ideas and instead of letting them roll out in my usual leisurely fashion, I figured I’d let you prioritize them for me…
So vote in the poll to let me know what you want!

Feel free to contact me if you have any ideas that I haven’t listed yet. I enjoy knowing I’m writing for someone who is interested!


Plug-in Credit to: Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan


This poll is closed, and I’m working on the winning post! Integrating Google Analytics with Flash!
So keep posted, or subscribe to the RSS for immediate automatic free update.

I’ll keep a running poll in the side bar of the site so keep voting and suggesting your Most Wanted Posts!

Customize the Right-click menu in Flash | ContextMenuItem Tutorial


Flash give publishers the opportunity to customize the right-click menu which pops up in the swf file with a context menu item in actionscript.

ContextMenuItem(caption:String, callbackFunction:Function, [separatorBefore:Boolean], [enabled:Boolean], [visible:Boolean])
Creates a new ContextMenuItem object that can be added to the ContextMenu.customItems array.


The menu item has a caption, which is displayed to the user in the right click menu. It also has a a callback function handler by naming the function in the code to be invoked once the menu item is selected. It then has three boolean values which specify whether the item has a separator before it, is enabled, and is visible.

To add a new context menu item to a context menu, you simply create the context menu items and then push them into the customItems array.
You can enable or disable specific menu items, make items visible or invisible, or change the caption or callback handler associated with a menu item at any time.
In the example here the menu items about clearing and rewriting the text are set to toggle each other, so you can’t rewrite the text if it hasn’t yet been cleared and vice versa.

To further customize the context menu flash allows us to hide the built in items in the menu with hideBuiltInItems(). This hides all the built in item from view (except ‘settings’) by setting their visibility to false.


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” width=”550″ height=”550″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

Get Adobe Flash player

[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”60″]
var myMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var ccs:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(“Visit Circle Cube Studio”, visitCCS, false, true, true);
var pog:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(“Visit Interactive Flash Portfolio”, visitPOG, false, true, true);
var ct:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(“Clear Text”, clearText, true, true, true);
var rw:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(“Rewrite Text”, rwText, true, false, true);
var mt:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(“Move Text”, moveText, false, true, true);

myMenu.customItems.push(ccs, pog, ct, mt, rw); = myMenu;

function visitCCS () {
getURL(“”, “_blank”);
function visitPOG () {
getURL(“”, “_blank”);
function clearText() {
myText = “”;
ct.enabled = false;
rw.enabled = true;
function rwText() {
myText = “Rewrite: \nRight-click to see the customized menu”;
ct.enabled = true;
rw.enabled = false;
function moveText() {
theText._y += 10;


Download the Zip file (

New Theme for Circlecube

I went for the basic and popular Qwilm 0.3

Theme hardly based on huddletogether.
This theme was designed by Lokesh and destriped and built by Oriol Sanchez

Over the next while I’ll be massaging the look and feel (mostly CSS) to fit my needs.

Please let me know if you see anything odd or broken, or if you have any other comments, thanks!

Update: Color Scheme adjusted and some minor layout changes. A little PHP tweaking, but mostly CSS.

About dot Stompernet dot Com ( is the new public (free) website from StomperNet. I helped implement this design and had to learn all about themes in Drupal. It’s still in beta, but it’s well on it’s way. It is an agglomeration site, where all the StomperNet Faculty’s feeds can be found and various other free content, like video in the Squambido player, and the Scrutinizer software.

about stompernet screenshot

Squambido from StomperNet

The new video player from StomperNet!

Feature Set: This Video Player is built in Adobe flash. I was involved in the actionscripting and design of the player and implementing many of the functions. There is a playlist imported into the player and even an html ‘sales pages’ loaded into the player. The progress bar shows download progress, watched progress and even history. It shows you how far you’ve ever watched in each specific video in the playlist, the “high-water mark”, and it lets you jump back to that spot easily by clicking in the progress bar. A feature I’m proud of is the mute, it doesn’t just cut the audio, but has a fade to silent quality- which even remembers your preferred volume if you come back to the page later. The player incorporates google analytics. Full Screen mode allows use of the entire monitor. Another ‘tab’ is used to show info about the author.

There is a lot packed into this one player, and we have plans to pack in even more!

Stompernet is using this player to promote their new line of content: Going Natural 2

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”338″ width=”450″ fvars=” playlistURL = ; autoplay = false ; awiz = 1126 ” allowfullscreen=”true” fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” /]

Get current url to Flash swf using an External Interface call

Update: please see the newer tut talking about getting the current url with as3


Many have struggled with the task of getting you swf to read or get the current url showing in the browser, the html page the browser is at which has the swf embedded. Not to be confused with the _root._url which returns the path of the swf file. This would be helpful to know if someone is embedding your swfs on their site, or even customize your swf depending on which page it resides on. There is a pretty simple, yet virtually undocumented way to do this. We have to use javascript by calling External Interface and get the url from the DOM. Window.location.href. Then we must call the toString() function only because requires a function rather than only reading a static property.


  1. Import external interface into your file: import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

  2. Initialize a variable to store the url path: var urlPath;

  3. Create a function to call external interface and assign the html page path to your variable: urlPath =“window.location.href.toString”);

  4. Call the function when/if needed.


With javascript: window.location.href or window.location.href.toString();
With actionscript:“window.location.href.toString”);
External Interface html Example
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” width=”550″ height=”200″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

Get Adobe Flash player

[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
import flash.external.*;
var urlPath;

function geturlhttp() {
urlPath =“window.location.href.toString”);
//Here I assign the url to a text box on the stage
_root.urlText.text = urlPath;



StomperNet Scrutinizer

StomperNet releases Scrutinizer, software for viewing websites through a simulated fovea vision. Since not everyone could set-up, let alone afford a real eye-tracker. This software uses the mouse pointer as the user’s focal point, or foveal view. It blurs everything except where your focal point (the mouse) is. It is helpful because it forces you to re-think web design from an extreme usability standpoint. This browser software was built in conjunction with Nitobi using Adobe AIR and Flex. I had the chance to do the skinning of the browser in flex! I really hope to have a good excuse to play more with flex.

Scrutinizer Thumbnail

Anyways, check out the free software (master-minded by Andy Edmonds), this ‘Click Fu’ video created to explain it, and the many uses of Scrutinizer.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”338″ width=”450″ fvars=” playlistURL = ; autoplay = false ; awiz = 1126 ; playlistoffset = 4″ allowfullscreen=”true” fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” /]

PHP Menu Include function to reuse an html block on multiple pages

When making websites frequently we want a navigation bar or menu to show on every page. Rather than repeating the code on every single page, which is virtually impossible to update and maintain, or worse, using frames, use PHP to automate this and build each page dynamically. PHP will just paste in the navigation or whatever you’d want represented on every page. To do this we use the php include function. You can use include() to show headers, footers, or any elements that you’d reuse on multiple pages. The include() function takes all the text in a specified file and copies it into the file that calls the include function. This is great for scalability and updating- instead of changing multiple files, only change one!
Here’s what a php include function looks like:
<?php include(“nav.php”); ?>

1. Make the actual nav you want.

2. Put it into a php file (or any type of file, html, txt, as long as it’s formatted as html)

3. Place the php in your page to ‘print’ the desired file into your final html page before the browser renders the page using the include function. This spits out html. The viewer’s only see html, as that’s all it is, the php created the html file- That’s why it’s called PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

The nav.php file:
[cc lang=”php” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]

Home |
About Us |
Portfolio |
Contact Us


The homepage.php:
[cc lang=”php” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
<?php include(“nav.php”); ?>

Welcome to my home page

home page text lorem ipsum

And here’s a sample site with a nav bar containing 4 pages included through php for Home, About, Portfolio and Contact.


New Circle Cube Logo

Here’s the new circlecube logo! I’ve had it for a while, but hadn’t uploaded it.

I still have to update my theme to incorporate it. I like the green transparent circlecube graphic in the header now but it’s gotta go… and plus it’s a little too green.

Circle Cube Logo Dec 2007

The common 2d © symbol and a 3d cube.
I’ll have to figure out a way to make it interactive… hm…

Any ideas?