Event Tracking with Google Analytics | Flash Integration | Tutorial

Many have read my Integrate Google Analytics with Flash Tutorial in which I express enthusiasm for the new event tracking at google analytics! Well, it’s been a while, but I was admitted to the Beta testing group! So I’ve now had the chance to play with event tracking a bit and wanted to publish my findings!


Almost a year ago Google Analytics announced their new event tracking model and have had help documents published and code samples up. And as with many of Google’s products the beta stamp has lasted a very very long time. Many have seen my earlier tutorial exploring using traditional Google Analytics Tracking from within Flash, and it does wonders to track your flash apps in this manner, but there is a problem with it. We’re using supposed object oriented concepts to track objects as pageviews. One thing is it really isn’t a very intuitive way to represent that data, and another it inflates your pageviews! The solution? the long awaited and announced Event Tracking model. I’ve been itching for this to be released so I could refresh my analytic tactics I use in my flash projects. No, to answer your questions, it has not been released yet, but I contacted Google and explained that I would be a great beta tester for this feature and after a bit of correspondence they invited me to join in the beta testing! This is good news for you too! Because I will tell you all about how to do it and even show you what the reporting looks like and when it is released finally, you will know what you’re in for after this sneak peak!

UPDATE: Here are the reports for this very example: Report from Event Tracking with Flash Tutorial

The very quick summary is this:
_trackEvent(category, action, optional_label, optional_value)
Note that the _trackEvent function is called on the pageTracker object itself. (initially Google had you instantiate a separate event tracker for every object (or category) you wanted tracked)

For example, if we want to track a ball. All the actions that can apply to the ball are: it being created, dragged, dropped, bounced, deleted… You get the idea. We can have direct user actions tracked or even automatic actions. If we have gravity and physics running, the ball may bounce a lot without any direct user interaction. But it will never be dragged or dropped without direct interaction. I’d recommend only tracking user interactions because who cares how often a ball bounces on your page (unless you’re doing an experiment, of course), want we want to know is how and when a user interacts with the ball.

category:string (required)

This is the name of the object you are tracking.

action:string (required)

This is the action that happens to your object you want to track.

optional_label:string (optional)

This can be more information to accompany the action.

optional_value:integer (optional)

A number to provide numerical information to accompany the action.


  1. First, I’d recommend reading up about Event Tracking at Google
  2. Decide your object oriented structure for tracking events. What objects do you want to track and what useful information do you want to get through tracking user interaction?
  3. Make sure you have the new Google analytics tracking code on your page
  4. Use these functions to communicate Google Analytics from your flash
    1. Call the main function with the specified parameters
    2. It will call the appropriate function and send the data to your pageTracker object through javascript with externalInterface calls
  5. See the reports in your analytics profile! (if your a beta tester, or else, wait until it is released)

Source code

The tracking functions are below, I enhanced the earlier trackGA function I wrote about. Now you call trackGA with 2 required parameters, categoryOrPageTrack and action. categoryOrPageTrack is where you have to pay attention. I wanted to keep the ability to track pageviews as well as have event tracking, so as the first param you either send in the string ‘page’ to explicitly state that you want to track the page view, or you send in another string to state you want to track an event on that specified object. Action remains the same, the action you want tracked (either on the pageview, it is the path that will appear in your reports; or the event tracking will be the action tracked to the category)…
So to track a pageview I call
trackGA("page", "swfLoaded");
and to track an event to an object I call ball:
trackGA("ball", "created");
The trackGA function will rout your call to the appropriate place and send the info to Google through either the trackGAPage function or the trackGAEvent function.
[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
//trackGA (categoryOrPageTrack [required], action [required], label [optional], value [optional]
//categoryOrPageTrack – either the category string or a string saying ‘page’
function trackGA(categoryOrPageTrack:String, action:String, optional_label:String, optional_value:Number) {
//call page tracking version of Google analytics
if (categoryOrPageTrack == “page”) {
//trace(“GATC pageTracker call”);
//call event tracking method
else {
//trace(“GATC event tracker call”);
trackGAEvent(categoryOrPageTrack, action, optional_label, optional_value);

var prefix:String = “flashGA”;
//Google Analytics Calls Page Tracking – for tracking page views
function trackGAPage(action:String) {
//GA call
if (prefix != null && !eventTrack){
var call = “/” + prefix + “/” + action;
//Old Google Analytics Code (urchinTracker)
//New Google Analytics Code (_trackPageview) pageview
_root.tracer.text = action;

//Google Analytics Event Tracking Calls – for tracking events and not pageviews
//category, action, label (optional), value(optional)
function trackGAEvent(category:String, action:String, optional_label:String, optional_value:Number) {
objectTracker_trackEvent(category, action, optional_label, optional_value)
category (required) – The name you supply for the group of objects you want to track.
action (required) – A string that is uniquely paired with each category, and commonly used to define the type of user interaction for the web object.
label (optional) – An optional string to provide additional dimensions to the event data.
value (optional) – An optional integer that you can use to provide numerical data about the user event.

theCategory = “‘” + category;
theAction = “‘, ‘” + action + “‘”;
theLabel = (optional_label == null) ? “” : “, ‘” + optional_label + “‘”;
theValue = (optional_value == null) ? “” : “, ” + optional_value;
//New Google Analytics Code (_trackEvent) event tracking
theCall = “pageTracker._trackEvent(” + theCategory + theAction + theLabel + theValue + “)”;
_root.tracer.text = theCategory + theAction + theLabel + theValue;

Here’s the actionscript lines where I call the trackGA function:
[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
//Tracks that the swf loads, so I pass ‘page’ to let it know I want a pageview tracked…
trackGA(“page”, “swfLoaded”);
//Tracks various objects sending various actions
trackGA(“gravity”, “on”);
trackGA(“gravity”, “off”);
trackGA(“friction”, “on”);
trackGA(“friction”, “off”);
trackGA(“ball”, “deleted”, count);
trackGA(“ball”, “created”, ballCount);
trackGA(“ball”, “drag”, this.ballNum, this.ballNum);
trackGA(“ball”, “drop”, this.ballNum, this.ballNum);
trackGA(“ball”, “bounce”, “right”, this.ballNum);


[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/integrategoogleanalytics/integrategoogleanalytics.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”400″ height=”400″]

Get Adobe Flash player


View example in it’s own html page, I even added a couple html buttons with javascript hooked in to show javascript event tracking implementation.


Download Source


I’ve noticed while putting this together that the calls to google analytics are not completely fullfilled, this example sends out correct calls to javascript, but (in firefox at least) a max of about 1 tracking call is registered with the tracking code every 5 seconds or so. I noticed this as I was monitoring the drag and drop events for each ball, although the drag and drop events are both fired, usually the drag event was received and the drop is not. After verifying that my code was consistent, I noticed that no matter how fast I interacted with the objects, the calls were much slower. I’m guessing this is a limit placed by the google team to keep us from sending pointless data such as is posted at the bottom of the event tracking implementation guide, titled Events Per Session Limit.

Rounded Bar Percentage Preloader for Flash Tutorial

I’ve had a couple inquiries about how to do a simple preloader in Flash. The technique and also the actionscript which implements the technique. So here is a percentage preloader example with source code and a source file to play with.


So the idea of a preloader is to hold the swf until the file has sufficiently loaded. Once it’s is fully loaded, then the preloader advances to swf to the actual content.

There are different types of preloaders: status preloaders and percentage preloaders. Status preloaders only tell you the status of the loading file. So it will have a simple looping animation like a spinning wheel and you just wait until it is fully loaded. Percentage preloaders will actually tell you how much has been loaded or how much is left and usually will have a bar or something that fills as the file loads or at least tell you in numbers how much has been loaded.

These techniques require the same first few steps. As you can guess, the percentage preloader takes a couple extra steps, but it is much worth the extra few minutes in my opinion. It gives the users valuable information about the program or file they are waiting on. If they are waiting and have no idea how much longer their wait will be, who knows how long they will stick around and watch an hourglass.

In actionscript the only special methods we use for a preloader are getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal. Once we know the bytes loaded and the total bytes to load, with a little math we calculate what percentage is loaded.


  • Hold the viewers at frame 1
  • Check if file is loaded yet (percentLoaded)
  • If not loaded, update display (if applicable) and check again
  • If loaded, continue


This is a preview, note that it is not actually a preloader, just what one looks like. You can see this preloader working in my Interactive Image Viewer
[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2008/09/preloader_bar_preview.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”125″]

Get Adobe Flash player



I’ve put this code on the preloader movieclip which sits alone on frame one with a simple stop(); actionscript command. Frame 2 contains the beginnings of the actual content. To break down the code, we first see that it is performed every frame: onClipEvent(enterFrame), so every frame we will see how much has loaded. In this case the frame rate is 20 frames per second, so we check the amount loaded every 20th of a second!
First we find the percentLoaded by dividing the total bytes to load by the number of bytes currently loaded. Then we display the percent loaded in a text box named feedback and adjust the xscale of the orange bar according to percentLoaded. Finally we’ll check to see if the percentLoaded has reached 100 yet, and if it has we play the parent clip (which in this case is the root, but it could be used to load numerous objects on the stage). When we play the parent clip, we then go to frame 2 or the actual content of the swf and this preloader is removed from the stage and the code will stop executing. But if percentLoaded is not 100% yet this frame is repeated and the code executes all over again, finding the (hopefully) new number of bytes loaded, and updating the display to inform the user. The code executes so fast that the preloader will actually animate the loading process and inform the user simultaneously.
[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
percentLoaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded() / _parent.getBytesTotal() * 100;

this.feedback.text = “%” + Math.ceil(percentLoaded );
this.bar._xscale = percentLoaded ;

if (percentLoaded => 100) {


activeden is hosting this preloader file: Round Preloader Bar

Circlecube Flash Items on activeden

21075 24687 45713 45893 22018

Interactive Image Viewer v1 @ FlashDen

I’ve re-purposed an old project of mine, the interactive pog portfolio viewer, to activeden. I call it the pog portfolio because each work is represented by a circle, or pog, and you play ith it in the “bay” with different interactive physics configurations. When you click a pog you can view a close up image of that item and more details. The whole file has been cleaned up (code and graphics) and documented for easy customizations.It is a small file size as well, under 36kb swf!

This is mainly an image viewer, stay tuned for any updates, like video support etc.


pog portfolio image

View Details here at activeden

Works and configuration loaded in through a single xml file. Select works from the bay to view title, description image and a link (if applicable). Organize works with the tags or select all and choose the physics of the bay for interactivity control (gravity, spring, grid and friction).

It is fully customizable and fully driven by xml. The xml file contains values for configuring the swf, and also all the information about each work to be included in the portfolio.

Each work is loaded into the ‘bay’ as a round thumbnail or ‘pog’. These pogs are animated with the interaction options (gravity, friction, spring and grid). The pogs are sortable by tags (parsed in from the xml).

The whole color scheme of the image viewer is configurable, or can even be set to random! Have a different color scheme every time your image viewer loads!

Clicking a pog in the interactive bay sends that thumb to the holding area and loads the close up into the focus window for that work. It also loads the details about that work into the detail box (to the right of the focus box). Each works needs a 50×50 thumbnail and a close up (max 375px x 270px) image. Focus images are all loaded in with an informative preloader and fade is once loaded.

Site easily integrates with Google Analytics to track user interactions within this flash portfolio!

All works in the portfolio are passed in through an external xml file, here is a sample work node from xml:
[cc lang=”xml” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]

Random Gear

Random gear photograph from activeden assets.






Download source at activeden

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Circlecube Flash Items on activeden

21075 24687 45713 45893 22018

StomperNet's Stomping The Search Engines 2 and The Net Effect Free?!

I’ve been given the all-clear to spill the beans on this insane offer that StomperNet has cooked up.

stompernet stomping the search engines 2 banner the net effect seo

You can get StomperNet’s expert SEO Video Course, “Stomping the Search Engines 2”… for FREE.

All you need to do is just TRY their new monthly printed Action Journal called “The Net Effect” – and guess what?…

You get the First Issue of “The Net Effect” for FREE TOO!

You don’t pay anything more than Shipping and Handling, unless you LOVE it and want to get issue 2 a month from now, and then it’s only $39 a month.

That’s NUTS. They are betting the FARM that you will LOVE this stuff and stick around for more. That takes GUTS, and HUGE confidence in the quality of their stuff. They are even throwing in their world famous original “Stomping The Search Engines” series!

For FREE? You’d be FOOLISH not to check this out.

Don’t believe it? Watch this video they’ve released.

APB Website | Before and After

APB are the guys who organize public speakers, whoever you saw speaking at the last graduation or other ceremony was probably done through the American Program Bureau. They have connections! Many many people, from movie stars, to famous writers, to nobel peace prize winers! So for your next party, give them a try. They had a really old website from about 1999 or so. I was involved with rebuilding it! I did most of the html/css design and flash/actionscript. They just launched the site this week, so I’m just celebrating with this post!

See before and after images below:


old apb thumb
The original site was hard to navigate and horrible to look at…



These are the mock ups, all html/css and the we pushed it into drupal for content management.
apb-relaunchAPB had the final say on the finishing touches. It came together, although I was suprised that they opted to put so much movement on the page. We set it all up so all speakers have images and videos on their page all in the custom player we built for them… but then they go and embed a youtube video on their homepage… go figure. It came a long way though. Go Web 2.0! Visit American Program Bureau.

Actionscript Key Listener Tutorial AS3


Allowing users to use the keyboard as well as the mouse is a great way to incite interaction with your flash. This tutorial will show how to code it and what you can do with some keyboard events. This changed with actionscript 3, note this tutorial is AS3.
altKeY (Boolean) Indicates whether the Alt key is active (true) or inactive (false).
charCode (uint) Contains the character code value of the key pressed or released.
ctrlKey (Boolean) Indicates whether the Control key is active (true) or inactive (false).
keyCode (uint) The key code value of the key pressed or released. KeyboardEvent
keyLocation (uint) Indicates the location of the key on the keyboard. KeyboardEvent
shiftKey (Boolean) Indicates whether the Shift key modifier is active (true) or inactive (false).


  1. import KeyboardEvent,
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
  2. assign any keycodes
    var left:uint = 37;
    var up:uint = 38;
    var right:uint = 39;
    var down:uint = 40;
  3. add event listener KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN
  4. respond to keys
    function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent) {


    function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent) {
            if (e.keyCode==left){
    		ship.rotation = 90;
    	if (e.keyCode==up){
    		ship.rotation = 180;
    	if (e.keyCode==right){
    		ship.rotation = 270;
    	if (e.keyCode==down){
    		ship.rotation = 0;


Here we have a swf with the keyboard event listener on the stage, and feedback boxes to give us all we can know about the event. It will tell us about certain keys (alt, ctrl (cmd), and shift) with a Boolean, it will tell us the keyCode and the charCode. The keyCode is the number that is tied to the actual button pressed or key, and the charCode relates to the character represented by the button(s) pressed. So hitting ‘s’ and then hitting ‘shift + s’ will tell you different charCodes, ‘s’ and ‘S’. but you’ll see that the s key has the same keyCode (you’ll also see the ‘shift’ keyCode as well). If needed you can use the String.fromCharCode function to determine what the charCode for something is. The location on the keyboard is even reported, this helps distinguish between the left shift and the right shift and even the numbers across the qwerty and the numpad on the right of the screen.
[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2008/07/key-listener.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”500″ height=”500″]

Get Adobe Flash player



[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]

import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;

var left:uint = 37;
var up:uint = 38;
var right:uint = 39;
var down:uint = 40;


function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent) {

feedbackAlt.text = e.altKey.toString();
feedbackCharCode.text = e.charCode.toString();
feedbackChar.text = String.fromCharCode(feedbackCharCode.text);
feedbackCtrl.text = e.ctrlKey.toString();
feedbackKey.text = e.keyCode.toString();
feedbackLoc.text = e.keyLocation.toString();
feedbackShift.text = e.shiftKey.toString();

if (e.keyCode == left){
ship.rotation = 90;
if (e.keyCode == up){
ship.rotation = 180;
if (e.keyCode == right){
ship.rotation = 270;
if (e.keyCode == down){
ship.rotation = 0;



source file download: key-listener.fla

Google Indexes SWFs and external content | Fleximagically Searchable | Ryan Stewart's Flex SEO Contest

Ryan has announced a contest to investigate how Google is actually crawling swfs. He introduced the term “fleximagically searchable” to be included in external content, which is then loaded into the Flex swf. Hoping that google will read the external source file through the swf. Also testing how this shows up in the search results. Even though I think there a lot more to SEO than just letting Google crawl your site, there’s the pagerank and everything that Google uses in it’s top secret algorithm to determine search result position ranks.

Here’s the official rules:

  • It has to be a Flex application
  • ‘Fleximagically Searchable’ must be dynamically loaded. It can’t be static text inside of your application. – But I don’t care how you load it, in fact that might make a difference in how Google ranks you.
  • The first link must be deep linked directly into where you load ‘Fleximagically Searchable’ into your application. Feel free to use any deep linking methods out there.
  • Nothing in your code can dynamically load the phrase automatically. It has to be the result of a user interaction.
  • You must provide source code and be willing to talk about exactly what you did.
  • Multiple entries are allowed if you want to try different things.

They seem to be a bit vague in places, but we’ll see if Ryan decides to clarify anything.

More information: I’ve found that’s helpful at Peter Elst’s post. And Ryan explains Google and Flash’s relationship development here. Here and here is what Google has officially said. Here is the official press release from Adobe about their new

I’ll have a couple entries I’m sure… and I’ll be sure to post about those as well.

Actionscript to Reference Dynamically created instances Flash Movie Clip | Array notation | Tutorial


Often I’ve had some dynamically created movieclip and then wanted to reference it in my code. This is hard to do if it is named dynamically as well, such as with an incrementing variable. If you use one (or more) variable to name an instance in run time, you can’t always know what it will be called.
There are two ways (that I know of) to reference these clips, one is the array operator [] and the other is using the eval() function is as2 (but I’ve noticed that as3 has removed the eval function, so I’d recommend getting used to array notation).


  1. Create the object dynamically (or with a variable) (_root.myClip.duplicateMovieClip (“myClip”+i, i);)
  2. Reference it with either array notation or with eval. (thisOne = _root[“myClip”+i];) or (eval(“myClip” + i))


[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2008/07/reference-dynamically-named-clips.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”500″ height=”500″]

Get Adobe Flash player


I create some movie clips dynamically using a for loop and name them all incrementally with a variable (myClip+i). But then i want to refer to some of them later, specifically. I don’t know what they are named though. They are all myClip1 myClip2 myClip3 and so on. I can use array notation to reference these (or eval). I’ve found it’s easiest to create a reference to the name once and then use it to refer to the clip I want. I imagined a scenario that when you click a mc you would want a different one to be moved. So clicking myClip3 moves myClip4 and so on. I’ve made it wrap so that 5 moves 1… They change the _y property of the next to match the one that’s clicked. Clicking the refresh button will loop through all the clips and (this time using eval) randomize the y coordinate.


[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]

var myLimit = 5;
//myClip._visible = false;

for(var i=1; i<=myLimit; i++) {
_root.myClip.duplicateMovieClip (“myClip”+i, i);

thisOne = _root[“myClip”+i];
thisOne._y = Math.random() * Stage.height;
thisOne._x = Stage.width/(myLimit+1) * i ;
thisOne.id = i;
thisOne.idDisplay.text = i;

thisOne.onRelease = function() {
nextOne = (this.id == myLimit) ? _root[“myClip”+1]: _root[“myClip”+(this.id+1)];
nextOne._y = this._y;

myClip.onRelease = function() {
for (var i=1; i<=myLimit; i++) {
eval(“myClip” + i)._y = Math.random() * Stage.height;



Source fla file: download


Nuno Mira shows a good example:

[cc lang=”actionscript”]
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“outer_mc”, 1); // create a mc called outer_mc
outer_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(“inner_mc”, 1); // create a mc called inner_mc inside outer_mc
// 3 different ways of targeting inner_mc
// all output _level0.outer_mc.inner_mc

TheCanadian@Kirupa states it nicely:
The Problem
How can I reference objects using a variable? This is commonly a problem with dynamically created buttons:

ActionScript Code:
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { button+i.someProp = "Hello World!"; //error }

The Answer
This is probably the question that gets asked the most. Referencing an object with a variable is done using something called associative array referencing or array notation. The fundamental concept behind this is that:

ActionScript Code:
myObject.prop = "value"; //and myObject["prop"] = "value";

Are the same thing. Associative array referencing follows the pattern of scope[“prop”] where scope is the object which contains the property and prop is the name of the property you wish to reference. Save appearance, array notation works in exactly the same way as dot notation.

Going back to the original, problematic, example, the correct code would look like this:

ActionScript Code:
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this["button"+i].someProp = "Hello World!"; }

The button string is concatenated (joined) with the i variable, forming a new reference with each iteration of the loop. First button0, then button1, et cetera.

That’s the quick, but some of you may think that that’s the same notation that is used with instances of the Array class. While that is true, the converse is actually more correct: Array instances use that notation.

Arrays are exactly the same as generic Objects, the only difference is that they have a collection of methods to deal with their properties. And because they require a need for organization, they typically only use numerical properties. Given the array myArray = [“a”, “b”, “c”], you could theoretically reference the indices using myArray.0, myArray.1 and myArray.2. The reason that we must use array notation is because the compiler doesn’t allow the reference of numerical properties with dot notation.

StomperTools: Ranker & Scrutinize This

StomperTools Plugin

StomperLabs is proud to announce another cool, FREE software tool. The StomperTools Firefox plug in! We’re going to pack many tools into this plugin in the future, but to start it off we’ve bundled two functions into this plug in.

ranker logo

StomperNet Ranker

The first is called StomperNet Ranker, and it allows your prospects to quickly survey the rankings for a keyword query. We built an interactive graphical representation of a search showing results from three top search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN.
snranker page

How to use StomperNet Ranker?

I’ll give an example… Here’s the page as it loads a search for ‘circlecube’. The green nodes represent Google results, red is Yahoo, and blue is MSN. Each result that is for an identical page is connected with a thin line, and when you hover over a node it will grow and also any nodes for identical pages. Nodes for same domain pages will grow slightly as well to give an idea of the saturation on the search results by the specific domain. Below you can see that I’m hovering over the top-left node (the screen shot helpfully removed my cursor), the title of the page is shown and you can see that the same page (my home page) ir ranked number 1 in Google and MSN (hence the line connecting them, and also they have both grown to be large nodes). Also notice that pages of the same domain (circlecube.com) are at the top 2 slots in Google, the top 3 in Yahoo, and the top 2 in MSN (the medium sized nodes). Hovering over a node displays information to the right of the node chart. Clicking on a node loads that url below the ranker ui. You can also click the Google, Yahoo, and MSN buttons above the chart to see the actual search results at each engine specifically.
snranker closeup
Ranker had the potential to become a great comparative tool for search engine optimization and comparison.

scrutinizer logo

Scrutinize This

Not only does StomperTools give you access to Ranker right in your browser, but also you can instantly “Scrutinize” any page you’re viewing right from the browser (once you have the Stomper Scrutinizer tool, so go get it too!) Use the plug in to seamlessly aim your Scrutinizer browser to whatever page you’re browsing in Firefox.
stomper tools menu