Code is good; Books are good; Source and Books are even better!

I’ve been thinking about this blog and what kind of content I want to be creating for the world and yes, you. I really enjoy creating working tutorials and open source project or components available to download and learn from. I make these available so that you are able to pick it apart and hopefully learn something from it. And in the best of scenarios it helps you solve some problem in one of your own projects, or you contact me and are able to teach me a better way I could have done it (my personal favorite). There are no shortcuts to this kind of stuff. Learning is a process, and the way I learn (especially when it’s related to flash) is to get my hands on something that already works and pick it apart. So that’s what I try to provide in my “tutorials”- I use the term loosely because, they aren’t really walkthroughs per say, but more working examples for you to look into and see how it has to (or at least could) fit together and work. I have really enjoyed the direction I’ve gone with the blog, and to get to my point…

I have also learned a lot of what I know from books. Reading books and understanding the whys to all the ways things are done in actionscript has helped me a lot. It may have been an epiphany, but I thought – why not share the ones that have made the biggest support for me, or at least list the books that sit the closest to my keyboard when I am working through a project.

So books are good. I will be continuing with my tutorials and open source working examples and put up as much code as I can, but I want to also talk about where I learn some of the things I learn.

So if you follow the blog, thanks! You’ll start to see a larger variety in posts. Dare I put this in writing but I’m also trying to increase the frequency of posts. I’ve been pretty good at getting at least one post a week, so I’ll try to bump it up to at least 1 and a half posts a week 😉 Go ahead and subscribe to my feed if you want to be sure not to miss any of them, and please jump back to the posts when it’s interesting and let me know, comment with any books that have helped you better understand you specialty.

Preloader Stats File @ FlashDen

A preloader bar that gives full stats, speed, kb, and even remaining download time!

[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”280″]

Get Adobe Flash player


Preloader with Stats

Clean slick preloader. Rounded bar with gradient fill and bevel and glow filter. All actionscript driven, no animations to bloat file size. Rounded corners don’t distort as width changes.

Includes loading statistics for download.

Calculates the following:

  • Percent Loaded
  • Loaded kilobytes
  • Total kilobytes
  • Average kilobytes per second download speed
  • Remaining dowload time in seconds
  • Gives kilobytes to 2 decimal places without dropping zero’s

To Use:

Easy to use, just paste in frame 1 of your file. (actionscript code included!)


Customize color easily. Edit the fill color of the preloader_bar movie clip in the library.

Customize font easily. Edit the font for the text box named feedback on the text layer of the preloader mc.

Circlecube Flash Items at activeden

21075 24687 45713 45893 22018

Detect Flash Player Version | Actionscript based detection method (as3)

See my previous post about how to do this with as2: Detect Flash Player Version | Actionscript based detection method (as2)


Recently I had a requirement that I had to detect which version of the flash player was currently installed. This is a normal thing, we do it all the time when embedding flash into html, we detect which version of the player is installed and if the user has an old version they are invited to upgrade…

But what about finding the flash version from within flash? An actionscript based detection method? I hadn’t ever thought about doing that…

Actionscript 3 now uses the flash system capabilities class to report all it’s “capabilities”. First we have to import it and then we have access to all the details through the Capabilities object, such as operating system, language, pixel aspect ration and flash player version. There are a ton of others and I’ve included them in the trace statements.


  1. import the class import flash.system.Capabilities;
  2. read the version from the Capabilities object var flashPlayerVersion:String = Capabilities.version;

This returns a string, 3 letter operating system, a space, and then the version number as four numbers seperated with commas. (just like eval(‘$version’); in as2)
I display the flashPlayerVersion and to split it out I split the string on the space, and then split the version number with the comma delimiter and display them all.


Here’s what mine is (gif):

flash player version detection as3

And here’s what yours is (swf):
[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”160″ height=”160″]

Get Adobe Flash player


Actionscript (as3)

[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
import flash.system.Capabilities;

var flashPlayerVersion:String = Capabilities.version;

var osArray:Array = flashPlayerVersion.split(‘ ‘);
var osType:String = osArray[0]; //The operating system: WIN, MAC, LNX
var versionArray:Array = osArray[1].split(‘,’);//The player versions. 9,0,115,0
var majorVersion:Number = parseInt(versionArray[0]);
var majorRevision:Number = parseInt(versionArray[1]);
var minorVersion:Number = parseInt(versionArray[2]);
var minorRevision:Number = parseInt(versionArray[3]);

vers.text = flashPlayerVersion;
feedback.text = “Operating System: “+osType + “\n” +
“Major Version: “+majorVersion + “\n” +
“Major Revision: “+majorRevision + “\n” +
“Minor Version: “+minorVersion + “\n” +
“Minor Revision: “+minorRevision;

trace(“Operating System: “+osType);
trace(“Major Version: “+majorVersion);
trace(“Major Revision: “+majorRevision);
trace(“Minor Version: “+minorVersion);
trace(“Minor Revision: “+minorRevision);
trace(“–other capabilities–“);
trace(“avHardwareDisable: ” + Capabilities.avHardwareDisable);
trace(“hasAccessibility: ” + Capabilities.hasAccessibility);
trace(“hasAudio: ” + Capabilities.hasAudio);
trace(“hasAudioEncoder: ” + Capabilities.hasAudioEncoder);
trace(“hasEmbeddedVideo: ” + Capabilities.hasEmbeddedVideo);
trace(“hasMP3: ” + Capabilities.hasMP3);
trace(“hasPrinting: ” + Capabilities.hasPrinting);
trace(“hasScreenBroadcast: ” + Capabilities.hasScreenBroadcast);
trace(“hasScreenPlayback: ” + Capabilities.hasScreenPlayback);
trace(“hasStreamingAudio: ” + Capabilities.hasStreamingAudio);
trace(“hasVideoEncoder: ” + Capabilities.hasVideoEncoder);
trace(“isDebugger: ” + Capabilities.isDebugger);
trace(“language: ” + Capabilities.language);
trace(“localFileReadDisable: ” + Capabilities.localFileReadDisable);
trace(“manufacturer: ” + Capabilities.manufacturer);
trace(“os: ” + Capabilities.os);
trace(“pixelAspectRatio: ” + Capabilities.pixelAspectRatio);
trace(“playerType: ” + Capabilities.playerType);
trace(“screenColor: ” + Capabilities.screenColor);
trace(“screenDPI: ” + Capabilities.screenDPI);

trace(“screenResolutionX: ” + Capabilities.screenResolutionX);
trace(“screenResolutionY: ” + Capabilities.screenResolutionY);
trace(“serverString: ” + Capabilities.serverString);


Here’s the source fla file: flash version detection actionscript method (as3)

Copy TextField text to System clipboard | Actionscript (AS2 + AS3) Tutorial


Integrating the clipboard of the operating system with your flash projects is sometimes essential. It’s a very simple and boils down to one basic method… System.setClipboard(). I’ve found a couple other things help the user experience though, such as selecting the text that gets copied and giving the user some sort of feedback to let them know that the text was successfully copied. Here’s a simple way to do it. Have any suggestions to make it better?

I’ve included an as2 version as well as as3. I’ve promised myself to migrate to as3, so I’m not coding anything in 2 that I don’t do in 3 also. This was to discourage me from coding in as2 and to encourage me to code as3, but also let me learn by doing it in both to see the actual differences if I was stuck doing a project in as2. I figured this could help others see the differences between the two versions of actionscript a bit easier and make their own migration as well!


  1. copy to OS clipboard = System.setClipboard(“Text to COPY”) of System.setClipboard(textBoxToCopy.text)
  2. set selection to text that is copied
  3. give user feedback

Examples and Source


[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”400″]

Get Adobe Flash player


[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
textBox.textBox.text = “Click this text box to copy the text or click the COPY button below. You will see feedback to the user and this text copied to your clipboard!\n\n”+
‘copyButton.onRelease = textBox.onPress = function(){\n\tSelection.setFocus(“textBox”);\n\tSelection.setSelection(0, textBox.text.length);\n\tSystem.setClipboard(textBox.text);\n\ttrace(“copied: “+textBox.text);\n\tfeedback(“Text Copied!”);\n}’;

copyButton.onRelease = textBox.onPress = function(){
Selection.setSelection(0, textBox.textBox.text.length);
trace(“copied: “+textBox.textBox.text);
textFeedback(“Text Copied!”);

function textFeedback(theFeedback:String){
feedback.text = theFeedback;
setTimeout(function(){feedback.text=””;}, 1200);


[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”400″]

Get Adobe Flash player


[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
textBox.text = “Click this text box to copy the text or click the COPY button below. You will see feedback to the user and this text copied to your clipboard!\n\n”+
‘function copyText(e:MouseEvent):void{\n\ttextBox.setSelection(0, textBox.text.length)\n\tSystem.setClipboard(textBox.text);\n\ttrace(“copied: “+textBox.text);\n\ttextFeedback(“Text Copied!”);\n}’;

//set it so the textBox selection will show even when textBox has no focus
textBox.alwaysShowSelection = true;

textBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, copyText);
copyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, copyText);

function copyText(e:MouseEvent):void{
textBox.setSelection(0, textBox.text.length)
trace(“copied: “+textBox.text);
textFeedback(“Text Copied!”);

function textFeedback(theFeedback:String):void {
feedback.text = theFeedback;
setTimeout(function(){feedback.text=””;}, 1200);


Source files: clipboard_as3.fla

Circlecube Freshens Up … for you!

Thanks for your patience as I’ve been tinkering with the theme, layout and css of

I started with a free theme from Justin Tadlock, Options Theme, available at theme hybrid. I’ve changed that theme quite a bit, from restyling it to fixing bugs I found and updated many other things on the site as well. So the reason I’m going on about it is I think I’m finished… and I’m asking you to let me know if you see anything that looks odd or fishy, or even just want to make a suggestion or comment on how much you like/hate the redesign. Comment on this post or contact me!

And as always, if there’s something you would like me to write about or have questions you can also contact me. I’ve even set up a poll in the sidebar showing post ideas I have which you can vote on and encourage me to write the one(s) you want most first! So let me know what you want, it encourages me to write more as well. And be sure to subscribe to the circlecube rss feed so you won’t miss anything that’s coming up!

Voters Aide, a Google Analytics Event Tracking Report Example


Voters Aide – a little flash app I made in some spare time to help prioritize the issues and positions for the 2008 presidential election. The app would let uses assign a weight to each of the big issues (0 – 100), and then read each candidates positions on every issue and record to which candidate they leaned (0 -100). The app did all the math then. Simply multiply the weight by their leaning and total it up. So if on the economy (which was reported the heaviest weighted issue overall) you say it is a weight of 90 and you lean one way +25 then your economy position is calculated 25 x .9 toward that candidate (22.5). To get a better understanding of it even though the election is over, go ahead and run through it yourself. I copied the selection of top issues and each candidate’s position from CNN’s website. I even randomized which side each candidate would show up on and left them unmarked so no one would be prejudiced toward their candidate. I wanted uses actual positions and priorities to speak louder than their preconceived preference or bias. I know this is flawed because the candidates position descriptions often were dead a give away, even sometimes saying the candidates name. Ideally it’d be great to simplify the positions but I wasn’t about to try to summarize it all! =)

Now that the election is decided though, I wanted to share what else I learned with this app. I included my google analytics event tracking methods in the voters aide app. So to everyone that has been using the app, I was watching!


I used event tracking to see what weight was applied to every issue, to see which way users leaned on every issue and of course their final calculations which told them who they support. The reports are interesting because they not only tell you how many people apply a weight to an issue, but also what value. They say not only how many users actually continued through each issue and stated which way they lean, but also how far they lean and who they lean to! Not only how many users actually completed voters aide to the final screen which shows their calculation, but also which candidate they supported in voters aide and even by how much!
The results were very interesting in the weights people used to prioritize the issues. Maybe that is because is is easier to visualize? But the issues were ranked in the following order:

Label Total Events Unique Events Event Value Avg. Value
6.homeland security50433,26465.28 care59533,78964.22
9.housing50393,12562.50 security33292,00960.88
13.iran40372,26656.65 trade41362,22454.24
18.stem cell research27261,29648.00

Here is an example of the report for the most important issue, economy. It stats which candidate had the users support and even how many times and the average value.

Label Total Events Unique EventsEvent Value Avg. Value

I’ll go ahead and say, (although the app was not designed to predict the president or even considered your location, it just counted how many times it reported to users which candidate they leaned towards) according to Voters Aide, John McCain would have won the election.  So more people who used Voters Aide lean McCain in the end, once they get to the end of the issues. I’d have to add that this is a very small sample size and even if it were larger, I never tested the app for usability and user understanding, so the end result doesn’t mean that much in the end. But as you will be curious here is the report for the final page events:

Label Total Events Unique Events Event Value Avg. Value
1.JOHN MCCAIN27212,23982.93
2.BARRACK OBAMA19151,55581.84
3.NO ONE12101,200100

Anyways, great election. I hope all this change will be a change for the better.

Congratulations to everyone who is excited about the future & condolences to everyone lamenting the end of the world.

Sally Kolar Photography

Sally, a great photographer in the Augusta, GA area wanted help putting up a website that was easy to maintain and looked professional. I helped her out and set her up with a wordpress install, some essential plugins and a few themes! She is ecstatic!

Check out the site here: and book her if you’re in the area and want great photography!

ColorTransform | RGB, Hex and random colors | Actionscript Color Tutorial


Color can sometimes make or break your design. I’ve put together this flash to show how to set a movieclip to a certain color, I’ve had to do this at runtime and had to go by different values such as a hex number, rgb values and have even wanted to just set a random color, so this example does them all! It’s even nice for translating a Hexadecimal color into RGB color.

Flash uses a Transform object to control certain properties of movie clips. To set color we need to use a Transform object as well as a ColorTransform object. ColorTransform objets are used to, you guessed it, tell the Transform object what color we want to set our clip to. It was a little unintuitive for me to learn, but now it makes sense, or at least enough sense to use.

I’ve made a function that does all this for you. You just send it the movieClip reference and a color. setColor(myMovieClip, myColor)

There are functions to convert rgb values to a hex value, and from a hex value to red, blue and green values as well.

To make a random hexadecimal number Math.random() * 16777216 (the total number of hexadecimal numbers)


  1. Imports
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import flash.geom.Transform;
  2. Make a Transform object
    var myTransform:Transform = new Transform(item);
  3. Make a ColorTransform object
    var myColorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
  4. Set the rgb color of the ColorTransfrorm object
    myColorTransform.rgb = myColor;
  5. Set the colorTransform property of the Transform object to your ColorTransform object
    myTransform.colorTransform = myColorTransform;

Flash Color App

[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”400″]

Get Adobe Flash player


Source Actionscript (as2)

[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
//method to set a specified movieClip(item:movidClip) to a specified color(col:hex value number)
function setColor(item, col) {
//make transform object and send the specified movieClip to it
var myTransform:Transform = new Transform(item);
//make colorTransform
var myColorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
//check color bounds
if (col > 16777215) col = 16777215;
else if (col < 0) col = 0; //variable to hold the color value var myColor:Number = col; //set color through color transformation myColorTransform.rgb = myColor; myTransform.colorTransform = myColorTransform;trace("the hex number: 0x" + addZeros(myColorTransform.rgb.toString(16))); var rgbObject = hex2rgb(myColor); trace("the hex number in rgb format: "+rgbObject.r+", "+rgbObject.g+", "+rgbObject.b); trace("the hex number in decimal format: " + myColorTransform.rgb); displayColors(myColorTransform.rgb); }//bitwise conversion of rgb color to a hex value function rgb2hex(r, g, b):Number { return(r<<16 | g<<8 | b); } //bitwise conversion of a hex color into rgb values function hex2rgb (hex):Object{ var red = hex>>16;
var greenBlue = hex-(red<<16) var green = greenBlue>>8;
var blue = greenBlue – (green << 8); //trace("r: " + red + " g: " + green + " b: " + blue); return({r:red, g:green, b:blue}); }//BUTTONS randomColor.onRelease = function() { //make random number (within hex number range) var theColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215); //set ball color to random color value setColor(colorBall.inner, theColor); } readHexColor.onRelease = function() { //convert 6 character input string into hex color format used by actionscript var theColor = "0x"+hexColorIn.text; //set ball color to hex color value setColor(colorBall.inner, theColor); } readRGBColor.onRelease = function() { //convert rgb values into hex value var theColor = rgb2hex(redColorIn.text, greenColorIn.text, blueColorIn.text); //set ball color to converted hex color value setColor(colorBall.inner, theColor); } readDecColor.onRelease = function() { //convert rgb values into hex value var theColor = decColorIn.text; //set ball color to converted hex color value setColor(colorBall.inner, theColor); } [/cc]

Open Source Download (containing color.fla and color.swf)

Voters Aide | Prioritize the Issues this Election | Interactive Flash App

To accompany the last presidential debate, I ask a question:

Who to vote for?

It’s not just about what party you’re affiliated with, who you agree with more on an issue or which candidate you understand better… it’s a combination of them all. It’s more important how a candidate can handle the different issues facing us today than how they perform in a debate or advertisement.
There should be somewhere to assign a weight to each issue on the table and then issue by issue see which candidate I agree more with. Then it would calculate and tell me who I really support according to how I prioritize the issues. So if I think the only issue worth voting about is Iraq or the economy and I agree more with Barrack Obama or John McCain on those issues it will be reflect in the results.
It’s pretty hard to explain the whole idea, without building it myself, so that’s just what I did… while I couldn’t stop thinking about it I coded it.

Check it out, and I hope it helps! Cause we’re gonna need all the help we can get on this one! It can help you decide or just test yourself and see if you really support that candidate as much as you think.

Go try it here!

I pulled info from CNN’s election center mostly because all the info was gathered for me already, each of the big issues, descriptions and the candidates position. I have a slider for each issue where users select how imortant it is to them (on a scale of 0 to 100 percent). Then users compare their own position on the issues with each candidate (on a scale of 0 to 100 toward each candidate). This is all considered while your support is calculated. Each issue’s importance as a percentage is multiplied by the amount you agree with each candidates position. These are all added up and totaled to give a final percentage. This is innovative in that it’s not just who you agree with mpre, it’s who you agree with more on the isues that you think are more important! Let me know what you think about this and let the candidates know what you think about their positions.

Voters Aide the flash app to help you decide who you support by letting you prioritize the issues and choose which candidate you lean towards on each issue and see the overall results.

Report from Google Analytics Event Tracking Tutorial

Here are some screenshots from my example tutorial of integrating Flash with google analytics event tracking showing actionscript to use for event tracking in flash . To get to your Event Tracking Reports (once it is enabled) you just click on the Content section in the nav list and then Event Tracking drilldown will give all details…

The graphic chart report showing events

Numeric event stats

Event Categories and actions with stats

All actions reported for the ‘ball’ category

All labels for category ‘ball’ and action ‘created’.

Enjoy, and let me know if you want more images. Check out the full post with source code here: Event tracking with google analytics flash integration tutorial