Tutorial to Create a Responsive Image Scroller in ActionScript 3.0


I’ve written a tutorial which is published over at flash.tutsplus. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a horizontally scrolling image viewer and covers xml parsing, loading and resizing external images, and creating intuitive and responsive scrolling!

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2009/07/image-scroller-example.swf” width=”550″ height=”137″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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So check out the Tutorial to Create a Responsive Image Scroller in ActionScript 3.0 over at flash.tutsplus.com!


You’ll find full source code available for download as well as the demo files and step by step milestones all throughout the tutorial.


Interactive Design project for StomperNet’s tease of the announced reveal on 09/09/09 at 09:09:09!

“Online Marketing Changes Forever!”

Wanted it to be unexpected, and I think we hit it! Check it out live at stomper999.com!

For this project I used flash, html, css and javascript. Tweener for the fading effects. Found a nice stock flash from activeden for the countdown and used jquery and the easing and color plugins.

Random Movement | Brownian revisited for as3

I have had feedback that certain random movements I program are a bit “jumpy”. Such as my old brownian movement tutorial and I really noticed it in my last tutorial, the parallax 3d depth effect tutorial. I’ve been thinking about it and looking around at some code and now have this updated brownian movement example! Updated for as3 as well as making it less jumpy.

as3brownian thumb pngFirst I’ll explain what I’ve found to be the reason of the jumpiness. And then explain and show what can be done to make this movement be more smooth.

So to examine the old jumpy code. Jump back to the first version post here. I think my technique was well thought out here, but the application was poor. It was recalculating the velocities every single frame and then incrementing the coordinate positions by the newly calculated velocities… This is where the jumpiness comes in. Even though the random value was named velocity, it didn’t actually affect the dot’s velocity, it was just a variable that stored the random value used to move the current x/y coordinates.
To help the animation be more smooth, the velocity needs to be more smooth. The velocity, rather than calculating it fresh each frame, should be randomly modified each frame. And then the new velocity will calculate the new ‘random’ position. Another addition is to introduce another force to dampen the velocity over time, so things don’t get too crazy…


  1. Modify velocity randomly
  2. With velocity and current position, calculate a new position
  3. Dampen the velocity


Here I have a velocity for the x coordinate as well as the y. I’m also experimenting with a z velocity. This adjusts the alpha and scale for depth perception. It doesn’t actually edit the depth or layer the dot shows up on the stage however… keyword here: experimenting. 🙂
[kml_flashembed fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://circlecube.com/circlecube/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2009/02/as3random_brownian_movement.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”550″ height=”550″ wmode=”transparent”]

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[cc lang=”actionscript”]
//number of balls
var numBalls:uint = 50;
var defaultBallSize:uint = 30;


function makeDots():void {
//create desired number of balls
for (var ballNum:uint=0; ballNum stage.stageWidth) {
thisBall.x = 0 – thisBall.width;
else if(thisBall.x < 0 - thisBall.width) { thisBall.x = stage.stageWidth; } if(thisBall.y > stage.stageHeight) {
thisBall.y = 0 – thisBall.height;
else if(thisBall.y < 0 - thisBall.height) { thisBall.y = stage.stageHeight; }if (thisBall.scaleX > maxScale){
thisBall.scaleX = thisBall.scaleY = maxScale;
else if (thisBall.scaleX < minScale){ thisBall.scaleX = thisBall.scaleY = minScale; } if (thisBall.alpha > maxAlpha){
thisBall.alpha = maxAlpha;
else if (thisBall.alpha < minAlpha){ thisBall.alpha = minAlpha; } }function randomColor():Number{ return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215); } [/cc]



Interactive Image Viewer v1 @ FlashDen

I’ve re-purposed an old project of mine, the interactive pog portfolio viewer, to activeden. I call it the pog portfolio because each work is represented by a circle, or pog, and you play ith it in the “bay” with different interactive physics configurations. When you click a pog you can view a close up image of that item and more details. The whole file has been cleaned up (code and graphics) and documented for easy customizations.It is a small file size as well, under 36kb swf!

This is mainly an image viewer, stay tuned for any updates, like video support etc.


pog portfolio image

View Details here at activeden

Works and configuration loaded in through a single xml file. Select works from the bay to view title, description image and a link (if applicable). Organize works with the tags or select all and choose the physics of the bay for interactivity control (gravity, spring, grid and friction).

It is fully customizable and fully driven by xml. The xml file contains values for configuring the swf, and also all the information about each work to be included in the portfolio.

Each work is loaded into the ‘bay’ as a round thumbnail or ‘pog’. These pogs are animated with the interaction options (gravity, friction, spring and grid). The pogs are sortable by tags (parsed in from the xml).

The whole color scheme of the image viewer is configurable, or can even be set to random! Have a different color scheme every time your image viewer loads!

Clicking a pog in the interactive bay sends that thumb to the holding area and loads the close up into the focus window for that work. It also loads the details about that work into the detail box (to the right of the focus box). Each works needs a 50×50 thumbnail and a close up (max 375px x 270px) image. Focus images are all loaded in with an informative preloader and fade is once loaded.

Site easily integrates with Google Analytics to track user interactions within this flash portfolio!

All works in the portfolio are passed in through an external xml file, here is a sample work node from xml:
[cc lang=”xml” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]

Random Gear

Random gear photograph from activeden assets.






Download source at activeden

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Circlecube Flash Items on activeden

21075 24687 45713 45893 22018

iKill Flash Game Art


iKill: Pick Fruit, Be Happy, Keep Killing

iKill_5I developed this game for my Digital Media Thesis. I wanted to do a project that was interactive, and enjoying flash I decided to create it in the form of a game. The project called “iKill’ is Installation Game Art, and is also available online. It explores multiple these, such as man in nature, globalization, fast food, economics, etc. The game was part of an installation for the Digital Media Exit show of Spring 2007. I kept progress of the game online at my digmeexit blog with incremental demo versions of the project. The installation had a fully interactive game and used game controller to play. In the game you play the generic man and work through the work week. Your job is to pick fruit as it grows on the trees. You receive your wages according to your harvest and at the end of the day you “cash out” and earn your happiness (how else but with Happy Meals). You do encounter obstacles and must kill the bugs before they deprive you of your happy harvest! It is pretty simple critique on a culture that equates unhealthy food to happiness without regard to the environment, and equates a mindless 40 hour work week and competitive salary to a full life. For more details visit the development blog (digmeexit.blogspot)

Play Online Version of iKill

Use the arrows to move, space bar to pause, ‘z’ to jump and ‘x’ to swat.