Tag: circle cube
Circlecube Polls Readers for Content
Just added a poll plug-in to the site!
I’m polling readers to see what they want next, in regards to posts.
I have so many post drafts and even more post ideas and instead of letting them roll out in my usual leisurely fashion, I figured I’d let you prioritize them for me…
So vote in the poll to let me know what you want!
Feel free to contact me if you have any ideas that I haven’t listed yet. I enjoy knowing I’m writing for someone who is interested!
Plug-in Credit to: Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan
This poll is closed, and I’m working on the winning post! Integrating Google Analytics with Flash!
So keep posted, or subscribe to the RSS for immediate automatic free update.
I’ll keep a running poll in the side bar of the site so keep voting and suggesting your Most Wanted Posts!
New Circle Cube Logo
Here’s the new circlecube logo! I’ve had it for a while, but hadn’t uploaded it.
I still have to update my theme to incorporate it. I like the green transparent circlecube graphic in the header now but it’s gotta go… and plus it’s a little too green.
The common 2d © symbol and a 3d cube.
I’ll have to figure out a way to make it interactive… hm…
Any ideas?
Circle Cube on Free IQ
Embedded player from Free IQ.
Nicholsong song by Dionysos, Music Video by Circle Cube Studio
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://freeiq.com/ipprime.swf” height=”338″ width=”450″ fvars=” playlistURL = http://www.freeiq.com/vidxml.dhtml?lx=nicholsong ; autoplay = false ; embed = 1 ” allowfullscreen=”true” fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” /]
Pog Portfolio – Interactive flash portfolio
An interactive flash portfolio featuring ‘pog’ thumbnails sortable by tags and adjustable properties.
open Circle Cube POG portfolio
Circle Cube . com
Toggle the help window with ‘h’.
Click the pogs to explore each piece, if applicaple click the ‘open window’ link.
Pog options are aligned across the top of the bay window, use them to adjust the properties within the bay area. Mix and match until you find your fit. Tag buttons are across the bottom, click to specify the genre of art to display.
Toggle the force of gravity acting on the pogs. Pogs with gravity on will be pulled down and bounce according to mass.
White is on. Black is off.
Toggle the spring or elasticity option. Pogs will hinge to a point and orbit that point.
White is on. Black is off.
Toggle the grid option. The pogs can either form into an array of pogs or move aimlessly in the space.
White is on. Black is off.
Toggle the force of friction acting on the pogs. Pogs with friction will slow down and over time eventually stop.
White is on. Black is off.
Click these tag button descriptors to see only that style of work in the portfolio.
Select all work, video, new media, animation, or drawing.
Circle Cube
Circle cube graphic pushing colors. Thinking of the design as shapes in a stained glass window.
ARST4810 CAD Fab class exhibition.
My Shattered Little World
Slide, Circle cube
Published in the Flagpole, April 4th 2007:
Rhinoceros Makes Art: Students in Michael Oliveri’s Computer Aided Design and Fabrication class at UGA are exhibiting their work in the Thomas Street Gallery. Using the computer program Rhinoceros, the students have created a diverse set of images.J.B. Courson ‘s “Alpha Hab and Worker Drones” could be plans for the set of a Star Wars movie. Caroline Covington’s “Closure” re-invents the kamikaze bomb, with essential accompanying text. Diana Gurley’s circular imagery hovers on the page like hot-air balloons. Matthew McDonald’s “Lupa Ad Nauseam,” as the Latin title states, is an image of a wolf vomiting. The drawing of the wolf appears to be taken from a realistically executed etching, while the vomit is discretely portrayed as a splatter of color. Edward Whelan’s abstract geometric piece looks back to the Italian Futurists, with a fresh new design. Evan Mullins and Louis Grabowski have both created images of realistic-looking objects of play. Works by Andy Anzardo, Alex Castellanos, Jason Maddox, Chris Merz, Winston Parker and John Powers are also included in the show, which runs through Apr. 5, so hurry! The Thomas Street Gallery is located in UGA’s Sculpture Annex just off Broad Street.