
HTML5 Game Lux Ahoy

The visuals for the game are great and the concept a familiar one. You control the angle and power of your canon and try to destroy your opponent. This great execution of this fun game uses a few new js libraries: Box2d, SoundJS, and Easel. Luxurious Animals, the agency behind it, has even blogged a bit about how they put it all together.

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Lux Ahoy
Lux Ahoy is a new Worms-style combat game created by New York based digital agency Luxurious Animals. Played out as a battle between the

CSS :target pseudo selector

Here's a few nice use cases and even examples for how to put this pseudo selector to work in your css projects. I normally prefer to use javascript for this sort of interaction, but CSS has it's uses as well.

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On :target | CSS-Tricks
The :target pseudo selector in CSS is both pretty cool and pretty limited in what it can do. In this article we discuss some things it can be helpful with, it's limitations, and some work arounds.

Heavy Collision Prediction Math

I've wanted to solve this issue a couple times but usually ended up faking it once I realized how complex the math was going to be. Here is the proof, I'm pretty sure I never would have med it this far had I tried. It's a great resource and I found it understandable too. So, hopefully next time, I'll have the time to try it out!

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Predicting Collision Points With Math in AS3 | Activetuts+
In my previous tutorial about collision detection between a circle and a line, I covered projection on a line using the dot product of a vector. In this

Ocean Currents Animated

Can't help but think about flocking behavior and different physics issues I've programmed when I look at things like this. It's really interesting to watch the current change over time as well. Then think about the currents at different dimensions of the ocean knowing that they may be crossing currents at different depths.

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Perpetual Ocean: A Van Gogh-Like Visualization of our Ocean Currents
Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, which produced this three minute animation called Perpetual Ocean.

The Web Apps or Native Apps Tide

Web apps and native apps are different ends with the same mean, but they have different characteristics. I'm always a fan of the web and accessibility, but also enjoy a nicely designed app when it's useful. Here's a good thought about how Web apps are stacking up vs Native Apps and some hopeful forecasting.

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Web Versus Native – Asking the Wrong Questions | Ryan Stewart – Mountaineer Coding
There's been a lot of talk lately about web apps versus native. It's not that the question has ever gone away, but just over the past couple of weeks it seems like it's been called out a b…

CSS layout gets smarter with calc() – HTML5Rocks Updates

I hadn’t heard there was support for calc() in css yet, but apparently you can use it in a couple browsers! This is very exciting news and I wonder how long until it’s fully supported. Currently it can be used in the chrome 19 (with vendor prefix: -webkit-calc), firefox since ff8 (with the vendor prefix: -moz-calc) and the biggest surprise of all is that IE9 supports it already with no prefix! It seems css will begin contending with some of the css preprocessors.


CSS layout gets smarter with calc() – HTML5Rocks Updates.

LukeW | Multi-Device Layout Patterns

Luke has cataloged popular responsive design patterns he’s noticed lately. This writeup is definitely worth a read if your even thinking about responsive web design.


Through fluid grids and media query adjustments, responsive design enables Web page layouts to adapt to a variety of screen sizes. As more designers embrace this technique, we’re not only seeing a lot of innovation but the emergence of clear patterns as well. I cataloged what seem to be the most popular of these patterns for adaptable multi-device layouts.

LukeW | Multi-Device Layout Patterns.