SVG Preloader with Raphael JS

Here's a very creative use of using a newly available technology. Using svg graphics which are very lightweight, for a website preloader. I like the animation used as well.

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Make a stylish preloader with SVG | Tutorial | .net magazine
Many sites neglect users with slow connections. Ian Culshaw explains how to use SVG library Raphaël to create a preloader that’ll hold the users' attention while pages load

CSS3 Button/Icon set

I've been secretly hoping to see a few of these pop up once the whole icon font idea spread through the nets. I really like this idea and it's a very nice implementation too! I only see some quality issues on a couple of the icons (such as youtube), but it's awesome and I hope to see it in use for the sake of consistency!

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Zocial Button Set: 72 CSS3 Buttons
The idea behind this project was to produce a consistent set of buttons that could be used for the range of social actions frequently taken in Web applications. These actions are often important goals for users, such as connecting third-party accounts or sharing content to third-party platforms, so their appearance has to be attractive and clear.
The standard buttons provided by third parties (such as Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud) vary in size, style and interactivity. A consistent button…

Application Cache Gotchas

A great writeup from Jake Archibald about the downfalls and downfalls to Application Cache. Having just attempted to building a mobile site using application cache, I remember hitting almost all of these gotchas and realizing that Application Cache wasn't all it made itself to seem. I resorted to actually making a mobile app rather than deal with the manifest file and it's counter-intuitive caching. This article would have helped immensely and I can't tell you how entertaining it is to read anything by Jake.

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A List Apart: Articles: Application Cache is a Douchebag
Good morning! Over in “castle Lanyrd” we recently launched our mobile site, which caches data on events you're attending for viewing offline. I've boiled the offline bits down to a simple demo…

Google Maps Game Cube

Here's a very cool interactive google maps game called Cube. You move a ball by tilting the cube to get to a certain destination and avoid obstacles. Much like that labrynth game with a marble in a wooden box. Very nice 3D animations and fast performance. The eye in london actually rotates like a feris wheel! It integrates features of google maps to show off bike lanes, subways and traffic!

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Cube – A game about Google Maps
Play your way through a cubic Google Maps world. Travel through New York, Tokyo and many other cities and learn all about the great features of Google Maps.

Browser Canvas Rendering Compete

Seb Lee-Delisle has created this wild test for browsers canvas implementations. It creates ting particles and renders them in the canvas element. Then it shows you the frame per second rate. This was just a simple test to see how browsers would handle computing and rendering millions of particles. FF was actually the clear winner still rendering at above 5 fps at around 3.6 millions particles! That's insane! The equivalent of 18 million particles managed every second (3.6 * 5/second). Chrome apparently will be updated soon though and should be able to at least match that. Not that production sites routinely render millions of particles, but it's certainly a good stress test that I find interesting.

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Battle of the Browsers | Seb Lee-Delisle
image by Andi Smith I had a great time at the State of the Browser conference in London on Saturday – it was nice to see representatives from FireFox,

Google Embracing Responsive Web Design

Google showcases a few of their own sites that have become responsive here in their google webmaster blog post. They explain the need they had from watching their analytics and walkthrough some other decision made in going responsive!

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Responsive design – harnessing the power of media queries
Webmaster Level: Intermediate / Advanced

We love data, and spend a lot of time monitoring the analytics on our websites. Any web developer doing the same will have noticed the increase in traffic from mobile devices of late. Over the past year we’ve seen many key sites garner a significant percentage of pageviews from smartphones and tablets. These represent large numbers of visitors, with sophisticated browsers which support the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but which also have limited …