Adobe Meetup with Mike & Lee

I'm excited to hear what Lee Brimelow and Mike Chambers have to say about all of the new gaming-related facets of Flash and the future roadmap of Flash. I'll share what I learn, but you should go register too.

Embedded Link » We’re coming to Seattle, Denver, Vegas, Tempe, Nashville, Atlanta, St.Paul, and NYC!
I'm excited to announce that I will be visiting user groups and/or agencies in Seattle, Denver, Las Vegas, Tempe, Nashville, Atlanta, St. Paul, and New York City over the next month. I will be joi…

WordPress Thumbnail JGP Compression

Here's a great little line of code to put into your wp theme's functions php file: add_filter('jpeg_quality', function($arg){return 100;});
This will make the jpg compression quality full so degradation will be minimal.

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Change the Default WordPress Thumbnail JPG Compression Quality – Inspect Element
Quick question for WordPressers: Does the WP featured image functionality degrade the image at all?— Orman Clark (@ormanclark) March 21, 2012 A

Very fun concept

Rememeber Mavis Bacon? This is an actual fun way to improve your typist skills. Space invaders + typing = Z-Type!

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Link: Z-Type – an R-Type style typing game
Everyone loves old school arcade games (if they say they don’t, they’re probably lying). The only real problem with them is that unless you’re Billy Mitchell it’s quite difficult to get away with finding an excuse to play them for as long as you’d like to. Z-Type comes to the rescue. It’s a very addictive space shoot-em-up where you destroy the bad guys by learning to type. That’s a pretty cool way to learn! The game is written using the impact.js game library (costing $99) which takes care o…

looks promising, hard to get excited for another framework to learn though

This one does seem to have a lot of integration built in, which is a big plus, jigoshop, bbpress, buddypress, responsive…

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Fanwood Theme Preview and Release Date
A couple of days ago, I posted about a new theme I'm working on. Today, I finally have something to show and announce. The following is a partial preview. Screenshots were taken from several live …

My kids are gonna love this

They're always telling me the web needs more monster trucks!

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Monster desert trucking
Another amazing piece of work from OutsideOfSociety. Honestly, I think sometimes we should just automatically draw in new pages on his site and apply some gushing comments. It’d save us all a lot of effort. This time, he’s made a simple monster truck game in WebGL where you drive around the sand dunes picking up stars. It’s incredibly playable and fun, with gorgeous details like sand particles and lens flare. It’s built with three.js and seems to include some physics code from Bartek Drozdz (…

How I’m skinning my resposive cat // “Talking of Design” : Kev Adamson’s Blog

We need more articles like this that talk about process and how they are applying these new web mantras like ‘Mobile First’ and ‘RWD’ and ‘Design in the Browser’. These mantras lead us to think these techniques are very black and white, but there is a lot more to it than that. Like most everything else on the web: it depends.

design width and breakpoint spectrum

How I’m skinning my resposive cat // “Talking of Design” : Kev Adamson’s Blog.