Class exhibition of net art.
ARST3800 Net Art Studio Fall 2005.
Mark Callahan @ Digital Media @ Lamar Dodd School of Art @ The University Of Georgia
Net Art Studio examines the current state of artistic practice on the Internet and facilitates the production of new works for networked audiences. The course consists of concurrent research and studio components, joined by critical theory.
The research component, achieved by prepared lectures, readings, and directed group research, surveys the cultural and technological underpinnings of contemporary net art. Key areas include historical discourse (media studies, pre-history of the computer, counter-culture movements), significant works online (independent, collective, curated), and practical technical structure (hardware, software, networks).
The studio component focuses on the creation of prototypes that lead up to a final project that exists on the internet and can be submitted to online ‘galleries’ and new media festivals. Student projects are discussed in group critiques within the context of individual artistic development and contemporary The studio component will be supplemented as necessary by remedial demonstrations, problem-solving assignments, and individual critique.
View the archive of the exhibit
I Heart Net Art
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Make a Face, by Evan Mullins
9 pieces in the exhibit in which I play with interactivity, randomness, artificial intelligence, and typography/typefaces.
View the works in the exhibit I’ve posted on the blog:
Make a Face: Single, Grid, Interactive Grid, Crowd.
Dog Trainer
Typeface: 1, 2, 3.
The whole exhibit (beware of broken links):
balloon Burn the House Down Expansion Squad fryman handsomerobot Tony Smith I.S.P. Brian Parsons Make a Face Evan Mullins Project(n.) Project(v.)