Multiple Targets

An actionscript exercise. Trying to get a movie clip to go to the closest dynamically created target. Click the button to make more targets. Dragable targets. Move the targets around to see the ball’s target change.


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” width=”550″ height=”550″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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Here’s the actioscript for the little ball:
[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
onClipEvent (load) {
//random placement
_x = Math.random()* 450;
_y = Math.random()* 450;
//speed is speed, higher number is slower movement
speed = (Math.random()*5)+7;
//x and y distance from target
xdist = 0;
ydist = 0;

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//determine which target is closer a^2+b^2=c^2
//use a for loop to cycle through all targets,
//and assign the closest to be THE target
for (j=0; j <= _root.i; j++) {
//for the first automatically assign it as the closest
if (j == 0) {
xdist = _root.target0._x – _x;
ydist = _root.target0._y – _y;
//find the distance to next target
else {
//temporary distance variables
xdistT = _root[“target”+j]._x – _x;
ydistT = _root[“target”+j]._y – _y;
//if it is closer assign it to the closest, if not do nothing
if(Math.sqrt((xdist*xdist) + (ydist*ydist)) > Math.sqrt((xdistT*xdistT) + (ydistT*ydistT))) {
xdist = xdistT;
ydist = ydistT;

//move toward the selected target
_x += xdist/speed;
_y += ydist/speed;

//if target reached go to another random place
//if xdist is less than 2 and ydist is less than 2 and xdist is greater than 2 and ydist is greater than 2
if(xdist < 2 && ydist < 2 && xdist > -2 && ydist > -2) {
_x = Math.random() * 450;
_y = Math.random() * 450;

Source Flash File

download multipleTargets.fla