Link: Can We Finally Move Beyond Mobile?

I like that: “From now on, if it’s not responsive, it’s not web design.”, thanks Andy. I also agree that the term responsive web design is a bit flawed. But it’s a bit late to be thinking up a new term. I’d like responsive to refer to how elements respond to user interaction, but what we now call responsive web design could better be called… I’m not even sure: dynamic layout, stepped fluid layout, screen friendly, indifferent to screen size… none of those are that good either.

Link: Can We Finally Move Beyond Mobile? – ( from (author unknown) at Echo Enduring Blog

Link: Creating Triangles in CSS « Jon Rohan’s Web Developer Field Guide

Very cool method for creating a triangle in css. I’ve seen it done, but hadn’t looked closely and realized how. Now I’m wondering if it is possible to do it with curves…

Link: Creating Triangles in CSS « Jon Rohan’s Web Developer Field Guide – ( from (author unknown) at

Link: Working with media queries and min-width

Great thought about designing for mobile first, and using the default block level styles for the block-level elements in our mobile version since they all already have the 100% width and are, well, block-level. Floating elements is such a part of a site design that we can write less code by starting with Mobile first.

Also a great demo linked: View Responsive Demo using @media and min-width.

Link: Working with media queries and min-width – ( from (author unknown) at Unmatched Style

Link: Creation of an iPhone App with Flash and without a Mac (for all Windows lovers)

I haven’t tried it, but it’s promising that this is now possibly, even it it’s a very long process. Creating an app for the iTunes store should be possible from your OS of choice. I’m glad this is at least doable but not surprised that apple has made it next to impossible to create iOS apps other that their one way. Thanks for the write-up, Emanuele!

Link: Creation of an iPhone App with Flash and without a Mac (for all Windows lovers) – ( from (author unknown) at Emanuele Feronato

Link: TeamLab Open Source And AMI Versions Updates

This looks like a great service. Loks to server the same purpose as basecamp, but they’re working on even more features like a CRM. I’m always a fan of opensource projects too! Anyone using these guys yet? Even though I just got my team on basecamp, I’m gonna have to add this service to my watch list, if it can do more (for less).

Link: TeamLab Open Source And AMI Versions Updates – ( from (author unknown) at TeamLab Blog

Link: Why I Go Home: A Developer Dad’s Manifesto | A Work in Progress

Reminds me of a Harold B. Lee quote, “The most important of the Lord’s work that you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home”

Link: Why I Go Home: A Developer Dad’s Manifesto | A Work in Progress – ( from (author unknown) at