Shared Object – utilizing the Flash cookie


The Shared Object is like a cookie for flash. It lets flash store some data on the local machine, so between sessions it can remember things. Learn more from wikipedia.
Shared Objects are used to store data on the client machine in much the same way that data is stored in a cookie created through a web browser. The data can only be read by movies originating from the same domain that created the Shared Object. This is the only way Macromedia Flash Player can write data to a user’s machine. Shared Objects can not remember a user’s e-mail address or other personal information unless they willingly provide such information.

I’ve seen many Local Shared Object tutorials and examples, which have users input their name and/or hometown and other filler data. But I wanted to show how to creatively incorporate shared objects into interactions. So I’ve thrown in many simultaneous examples including the uber-simple ‘input your name and I’ll remember it’ approach. I hope I didn’t throw in so much that it got confusing… just let me know if you have any questions or anything is unclear. Keeping it simply and broad there’s only a few things to know about Shared Objects.


    Simply put there are only a couple things to worry about with Local Shared Objects

  • Create them.
    • As in create the shared object
  • Write them.
    • As is write to the shared object
  • Set them.
    • As in setting variables in the shared object
  • Get them.
    • As in getting variables back out of the shared object
  • Clear them.
    • As in clearing the shared objec


here’s samples on how to do each of those
[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
/* Create them. */
//make Local Shared Object named myLocalSO(in as) called “myflashcookie” on disk
var myLocalSO:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(“myflashcookie”);

/* Write them. */
//flush the SO, write the SO to disk

/* Set them. */
//set key’s value to specified value in SO
//key is the name of the data
//val is key’s value
function setVal(key, val) {[key] = val;
trace(key +” set to “+val);
/* including writing to Shared Object in the setter function */
//flush the SO, write the SO to disk
/* Get them. */
//get key’s value from SO
function getVal(key) {
trace([key] +” received from “+key);
/* Clear them. */


here’s my colorful example.
The purple/yellow circle is draggable, so place it where you want it. Enter your name and age in the input boxes. Press the center red ‘Set cookie’ button to copy those values to the shared object that is on your computer now. The red transparent circle represents the cookie positions. You can position the purple/yellow circle from the cookie contents with the dark green ‘Position from cookie’ button, or position it randomly with the blue ‘Position randomly’ button. Erase the cookie with the orange ‘Erase cookie’ button. Toggle easing (animation) with the Bright green button (which changes to dark red when off), it tells the current mode of ease. I have the cookie coordinates displayed and the current coordinates of the purple/yellow circle also displayed.
The cookie includes a date object, which is used to calculate the age of the cookie (watch it reset when you erase the cookie (orange button)).
The ‘All Time Visit’ stat is the only thing that does not get reset when you erase the cookie,
[kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”dynamic” width=”300″ height=”400″]

Get Adobe Flash player


and source code:
[cc lang=”actionscript” tab_size=”2″ lines=”40″]
//////////////////////// Initialize variables ///////////////////////

//make Local Shared Object named myLocalSO(in as) called “myflashcookie” on disk
var myLocalSO:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(“myflashcookie”);
//speed var for easing
var speed = 3;
var w = myCircle._width/2;
//toggle var for easing
var ease = true;
//as var to store alltime cookie
var allTimeVisitCount=0;
//line style for tracing movement
lineStyle(1, 0, 50);

//////////////////////// Functions ///////////////////////

//set key’s value to specified value in SO
//key is the name of the data
//val is key’s value
function setVal(key, val) {[key] = val;
trace(key +” set to “+val);
//flush the SO, write the SO to disk
//get key’s value from SO
function getVal(key) {
trace([key] +” received from “+key);

function countVisit() {
//if first visit
if (getVal(‘visitCount’) == undefined) {
//create date for now and store in cookie
var todayDate:Date = new Date();
setVal(‘date’, todayDate);
trace(“creating date”);
//start/reset counting visits
var visitCount = 0;
//notice allTimeVisitCount is not reset, but stored still as a var in actionscript

//not first visit
else {
visitCount = getVal(‘visitCount’);
allTimeVisitCount = getVal(‘allTimeVisitCount’);
//increment visit counter
setVal(‘visitCount’, visitCount+1);
setVal(‘allTimeVisitCount’, allTimeVisitCount+1);
//feedback of visit counting
visitsFeedback.text = getVal(‘visitCount’);
allTimeVisitsFeedback.text = getVal(‘allTimeVisitCount’);
//feedback of cookie contents
function cookieFeedback() {
//in defined print coordinate contents
cookiex.text = getVal(‘circleX’) == undefined ? “no cookie” : getVal(‘circleX’);
cookiey.text = getVal(‘circleY’) == undefined ? “no cookie” : getVal(‘circleY’);

//if not easing assign coordinates from cookie
if (!ease) {
myCookie._x = getVal(‘circleX’);
myCookie._y = getVal(‘circleY’);
//set target to cookie coordinates
else {
ctargetx = getVal(‘circleX’);
ctargety = getVal(‘circleY’);
//if name then trace cookie contents
if (getVal(‘name’) != undefined) {
visitorFeedback.text = “Returning Visitor”;
nameInput.text = getVal(‘name’);
ageInput.text = getVal(‘age’);
//no name then a new visitor
else {
visitorFeedback.text = “First Time Visitor”;
nameInput.text = “”;
ageInput.text = “”;
function calculateCookieAge() {
//make a date now
todayDate = new Date();
//get the cookie’s stored date
cookieDate = getVal(‘date’);
//difference between two dates
cookieDateAge = Math.floor(todayDate – cookieDate);
//convert miliseconds to a timecode
cookieAge.text = msToTimeCode(cookieDateAge);cookieDateAge;

//convert miliseconds to a hh:mm:ss
function msToTimeCode(ms) {
//make sure value is within bounds. if a number grater than zero and less than the duration of video
if (isNaN(ms) || ms< 0) { ms = 0; } //find seconds var sec = ms/1000; //find minutes var min = Math.floor(sec/60); //adjust seconds sec = sec - min*60; //find hours var hour = Math.floor(min/60); //adjust minutes min = min - hour*60; //floor seconds down to whole number sec = Math.floor(sec); //make time code with hours if (hour == 0) { if (sec < 10) { sec = "0"+sec; } if (min < 10) { min = "0"+min; } var tc = min+":"+sec; } //make time code without hours else { if (sec < 10) { sec = "0"+sec; } if (min < 10) { min = "0"+min; } var tc = hour+":"+min+":"+sec; } return tc; }////// Actionscript attached to Objects/handlers ////////////place data on stage into cookie (circle coordinates and input text) setCookieButton.onRelease = function() { setVal('circleX', myCircle._x); setVal('circleY', myCircle._y); setVal('name', nameInput.text); setVal('age', ageInput.text); //update the display on stage cookieFeedback(); } //make random coordinates on stage randomButton.onRelease = function() { //if not easing assign coordinates to myCircle if (!ease) { myCircle._x = Math.random() * (Stage.width - w); myCircle._y = Math.random() * (Stage.height - w); } //if easing assign coordinates to myCircle's target coords else { targetx = Math.random() * (Stage.width - w); targety = Math.random() * (Stage.height - w); } }myCircle.onPress = function() { this.startDrag(); dragging = true; lineStyle(1, 200, 30); }myCircle.onRelease = myCircle.onReleaseOutside = function() { targetx = this._x; targety = this._y;lineStyle(1, 0, 50);dragging = false; this.stopDrag(); }myCircle.onEnterFrame = function() { //print position feedback currentx.text = this._x; currenty.text = this._y; //if eas move to target if (ease) { if (!dragging) { moveTo(this._x+w, this._y+w); this._x+=(targetx-this._x)/speed; this._y+=(targety-this._y)/speed; } //draw line lineTo(this._x+w, this._y+w); } }myCookie.onEnterFrame = function() { //if ease move cookie to target if (ease) { this._x+=(ctargetx-this._x)/speed; this._y+=(ctargety-this._y)/speed; } calculateCookieAge(); }//Position from Cookie cookieButton.onRelease = function() { //if not easing set coordinates from cookie if (!ease) { myCircle._x = getVal('circleX'); myCircle._y = getVal('circleY'); } //if easing set target coordinates from cookie else { targetx = getVal('circleX'); targety = getVal('circleY'); } } easeBtn.onRelease = function () { //toggle easing ease = !ease; //advance the frame of this button...; } clearCookieBtn.onRelease = function() { //clear the cookie (swipe all data) myLocalSO.clear(); //restart visit count countVisit(); //read cookie and give feedback cookieFeedback(); } [/cc]


download the source for this example: sharedObject.fla

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