Google Index Status new to Webmaster Tools!

Google Index Status new to Webmaster Tools!

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Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Behold Google index secrets, revealed!
Webmaster level: All Since Googlebot was born, webmasters around the world have been asking one question: Google, oh, Google, are my pages in the index? Now is the time to answer that question using t…

3 thoughts on “Google Index Status new to Webmaster Tools!

  1. Looks almost there.  Tracking indexation is an essential, tedious, part of site launch SEO. The ideal tool would show a dashboard with stats like "632 pages getting a 404 because you forgot the 301 redirect dummy" and "1,240 pages being indexed both with www and without www because you forgot the mod rewrite moron", etc.  Why doesn't google just go ahead and diagnose.  It would be easy to mechanize.

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