Keith Peter‘s Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move!
Can I just say WOW! Being a student of art and animation before turning to the flash world, I love how Keith is able to explain programming in terms that are very easy to understand and follow. I’ve been a huge fan of his since I first peeked at Flash Math Creativity and Flash Math Creativity, Second Edition
. I then followed to his bit-101 site and devoured his tutorials there: gravity, easing, elasticity, etc…
This book helps me transition all those techniques I’ve incorporated into my practices from actionscript 2 to actionscript 3. He also teaches me more about object oriented programming with the same simplicity he explained gravity years ago. It’s a great read and an essential part of my collection. I could safely say that I’ve learned more (at least as much as) from Keith’s work than anyone else in the industry. Anything from him always make sense and inspires my code and projects to be better. So go get his book to support him!
Also, friends of ed makes available the source code that goes with the text here.
Thanks Keith — and keep up the great work!