Thanks for your patience as I’ve been tinkering with the theme, layout and css of

The last theme I used was badly broken with the wordpress 2.8 update and then I noticed the developer actually discontinued support for the theme! So I had an opportunity to delve into wordpress theming. I’d been reading about child themes and wanted a nice stable basic parent theme to build from. Cue thematic framework. It was a great learning experience building a child theme for myself, many thanks to Ian Stewart for all the tips help and tuts to help me though it, not to mention for creating thematic .
I’ve kept the color scheme and general look of the site the same. So the reason I’m going on about it is I think I’m finished… and I’m asking you to let me know if you see anything that looks odd or fishy, or even just want to make a suggestion or comment on how much you like/hate the redesign. Comment on this post or contact me!
And as always, if there’s something you would like me to write about or have questions you can also contact me. I’ve even set up a poll in the sidebar showing post ideas I have which you can vote on and encourage me to write the one(s) you want most first! So let me know what you want, it encourages me to write more. And be sure to subscribe to the circlecube rss feed so you won’t miss anything that’s coming up!