Custom WordPress theme and plugins built for retail company website, with complex templates while still being truly responsive. All images and content is exposed to the user via the content management system.
Technology: jquery
Optima Outcome Measures
Single Page Site built in WordPress for content manageable content.
LDS Mormon Apps
Responsive WordPress website created to catalog and showcase apps for church members. Developed with underscores, foundation, custom post types and custom fields.15
Greenhouse WordPress Plugin
WordPress plugin built to connect to greenhouse API and display a job board and submit applications back via the API.
Mars Drinks
Global website for international company. Included full theme and multiple plugins. Multisite, multi-lingual set up.
Fully responsive WordPress website including custom built theme from underscores.
PNM Law Website
Fully responsive theme and wordpress website for a law firm with online form submissions.
Coca-Cola Global Stewardship Website
Stewardship web site built with an app feel. To be added to ipad (the target device) home screen and viewable offline using a cache manifest, but also viewable online in the open web by any other device to achieve maximum reach. Site is used to display articles across many global regions and in different categories. Simple social sharing options as well as a guestbook type page and very printer-friendly site.
Georgia-Pacific Grainger Cup
A Web-based promotion site for a tradeshow for Georgia-Pacific and Grainger Cups. Visitors to the booth would scan their QR code on their cup to see if they were a winner. The site reads the QR code and determins if the cup is a winning cup or a losing cup and displays either a winning slide (one of many prizes) or a losing slide with sound effects.
HomeBridge Corporate Site
Responsive one-page website built for the corporate entity behind the company. It’s meant to simplify the branches of the company and give the executive leadership a spotlight.