LukeW | Multi-Device Layout Patterns

Luke has cataloged popular responsive design patterns he’s noticed lately. This writeup is definitely worth a read if your even thinking about responsive web design.


Through fluid grids and media query adjustments, responsive design enables Web page layouts to adapt to a variety of screen sizes. As more designers embrace this technique, we’re not only seeing a lot of innovation but the emergence of clear patterns as well. I cataloged what seem to be the most popular of these patterns for adaptable multi-device layouts.

LukeW | Multi-Device Layout Patterns.

How I’m skinning my resposive cat // “Talking of Design” : Kev Adamson’s Blog

We need more articles like this that talk about process and how they are applying these new web mantras like ‘Mobile First’ and ‘RWD’ and ‘Design in the Browser’. These mantras lead us to think these techniques are very black and white, but there is a lot more to it than that. Like most everything else on the web: it depends.

design width and breakpoint spectrum

How I’m skinning my resposive cat // “Talking of Design” : Kev Adamson’s Blog.